..ok..i may be 17...very sick..low blood sugar levels..when do you typically start to show..

Answers:    first thing to do is relax...
after you take a home pregnancy audition, you should take a trip to your doctor just to confirm it. you usually start to show around 3 months, but every woman is different. i have a friend who started to show when she was a month and a half, although she be very skinny. i also heard of someone who didn't know she be pregnant until she was in labor...although the latter is highly rare and is usually related to health conditions or premature birth.
low blood sugar level are not something to get too worried about. the first piece you should NOT do is eat a lot of sugar to lift up these levels, because there is a superior risk of developing diabetes during pregancy, which can lead to a dangerously high-ranking birthweight of the baby. things you should look out for is fatigue or palness, as pregnant women tend to develop iron-difficiency anemia. be sure to eat a great deal of red meat.

but hang in nearby, honey. there was an instance where on earth i thought i was pregnant, and i took two home pregnancy tests. i get my period 10 days later. turned out BOTH of them be wrong. just look out for the symptoms; sore breasts, cramps, hunger, etc.
Good luck! :) i hope i helped .
It take quite a while to show: some women show as early as 3 months while others don't show until 6 months. By the time you're showing, you will *definitely* know you're pregnant!

Get yourself a pregnancy interview at the drugstore - even the cheapest ones are pretty accurate - and find out for sure. You'll want to start taking care of yourself ASAP, and the baby if you choose to save it (the first 2 weeks after conception is the prime time for folic acid, which helps prevent birth defects).

Best of luck!.
I am 5 months pregnant and hold just started to show. It is different for every woman. Some women begin to show as soon as 12 weeks.

Low blood sugar and man sick aren't strong enough symptoms to constitute a pregnancy. In order to find out for sure you have need of to take a pregnancy test 19 days after the sex (19 days to ensure exactness in results)..
depends on your body structure.. if your small frame probably 3-5 months .. if your medium frame 3-6
if your heavey set women and laready hold a tummy you wont show till about 6 months.
chek to see if your prego .. take a home try-out or go to the doctors the blood test is the best course to find out.. .
Well then I guess congratulations are in demand. You'll have some time before you inaugurate to show. The average woman shows at around 4 months, but it also depends on how much you weigh currently, and your natural body shape. do not freak out just nonetheless, go to your local health department or planned motherhood, and they can give you a pregnany test that will put in the picture you definitely whether you need to reason about options of late yet..
When was your second monthly period? Take a pregnancy test from the drug store. How low is your blood sugar? You shouldn't start showing till 4 -5 months along. It depends on your body counterweight and structure. Before you get too upset, take a pregnancy assessment; one from the drugstore is just fine. .
3-5 months into pregnancy I was almost 5 month beforehand I popped out..
have u taken a pregnancy test? if your cycle is behind schedule you may want to go take one. pious luck that sucks

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