Menstruation on 7 days (FIRST TIME) Is this ordinary?
Will plan b work while ovulating.?
yes x no worries..the first time i have my period it was 7 days later as they become regular (which took bout 18 months) they last about 5 days...congrats on getting your 1st interval!! xx
How do i go and get rid of a thrush resembling infection?
Oh yeah, it can go longer. Sometimes it's shorter, too. Don't worry just about it. ^^Average: 3-7 days
but in some cases, it can go longer or even shorter. :)
I surface resembling I'm going through peri menopause but the dr's other enunciate I'm not?
Almost anything is regular when it comes to periods!When I got my spell for the first time it lasted 11 days until later that year.
Should I use the Birth Control Patch?
Yes...why wouldn't it be?Tampons ?!!?
Shaving or trimming?
If you miss your third dose of Gardisil shot by a month and a partially, will the third does form an effect?