Advice on Plan B and Birth Control (Nurse?)?

I have been on birth control for 6 years immediately. I ran out and didn't get to my doctors surrounded by time (I know stupid) but so I had to stop for a month and now am support on it. I have been fund on the pill for 10 days now had unprotected sex twice contained by which he pulled out before he cam each time.

I'm terrifically worried because I know it takes a month before the birth control is impressive. Should I get the Plan B pill or do you think I will be ok? I don't know if I am a short time ago over worried about the sistution or if you can never be to safe. I only just don't want to throw out $50 dollars for it. Plus is that going to mess up my birth control if I take plan b while on the pill?

For girls solely: how ripened be you when you have pubic fuzz? What color is it and do you shave it?

What does (nurse) mean? Are you a nurse somewhere? Scary.

Help relief oblige please ..?

You can step to planned parenthood and get it for free in attendance (f you are under 18, but i dont know if you are) but even if you are over 18 they charge depending on how much money you make and how much you hold. but yeah, you should take it. just to be undamaging. would you rather spend 50 and take the pill, or 700 on an abortion when you find out your pregnant

One for the girls?

Yes, taking the plan b will mess up your birth control. You'd enjoy to toss away this month's of pills and wait for the forced period to come from the plan b (if you chose to nick it). You should be fairly safe as you tend to ovulate almost 14 days after the first day of your period, so you're not pretty there in your fell fertile period and he pulled out, so there wasn't full-on ejaculation inside of you, however pre c um have sperm in it and it's possible to get pregnant from that. Just don't hold anymore unprotected sex until this pack of pills are done. You've done so well for 6 years so far. One night of wreckless lust isn't worth a lifetime of a child you're not prepared to purloin care of.

Ladies single please!?

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