How come I bleed during sex?

My bf is larger than most and we just get finished and I he told me that I was bleeding. It be actually moderately a bit of blood, on my inner thighs, on my ankle, the bed sheets... you get the conception.
I haven't been a virgin for plenty time now so I find this for a moment weird, not to mention worry-some. Why would I be bleeding?
It hurt at first but consequently it got better as it usually does. But I haven't ever bled this much... ever. He say every time we have sex it feel like he's breaking my hymen and that's how he can inform I'm bleeding. But why is it like every time we hold sex? Could there be something else wrong next to me?
ps- I’ve been tested and I’m verbs.. nd we use condoms, and he's had a vasectomy.

Answers:    Well if you articulate he larger than most there might be for a time tearing around the hymen. Sometimes during sex, women can tend to become dry, Try using some lube along beside the condom, hopefully that will work for you. You say this time it be more bleeding than usual..make sure you havent started your time of year as well.
You nouns too young to man having sex , are you lubricated satisfactory ? this could be a main motivation Do you use lubrication? If not, try it. It seems approaching you might be "dry"or else you are "drying up" during sex.
Have you ever be to see an ob/gyn doctor? If not I suggest you go.. Sounds approaching he might to to big for you right now. this can be fixed but he requests to go slow andexpand you , kind sure you use a lot of KY or somthing alone those lines.
it's probably b/c ur bf is larger than others. ur vagina is probably still unused to his size. maybe you two can do some foreplay becuase you enjoy intercourse. this way, you'll be more comfortable and you'll expand somewhat more and become more wet. this will engineer it easier on the two of you when he enters you.

hope this help...^.^
you answered it yourself in the first sentence...
Big things + little orifice= tearing=blood It's probably because he ripped you. If you don't continue for it to heal, after he's just rubbing it again and again, which probably cause the continuous bleeding. Also, if you are dry, the chances of ripping are more potential. It helps if you practice foreplay more.
I would lurk like 3 or 4 days formerly having sex near him again. Give time for you to heal, and next if it happens again, I would be in motion get checked out. Some STD's won't show up for 6 months. So, still be vigilant.

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