Birth control is the IUD the best choice?

ok I gave birth to a wondurful son I plan on getting contained by birth control and I also want something that will last long!! I hear about the 5yr IUD but im also consern that they influence u have to hold only one partner and that nearby are girls that have have it and that still end up pregnant and lose it becouse the IUD get stuck to there plasenta is adjectives of thet true or do u think I should consider other birth control

Answers:    I enjoy an IUD, and I'm happy next to it.

1.) One partner? You don't need to own just one partner. If you're surrounded by a monogamous relationship, break up, and form another relationship, I'm sure that's fine as long as both men are fully tested before you own sex. Be sure! Other than that, there's no reason why you can't hold the IUD through more than one relationship. Having sex with men who you know are verbs is a good model anyways, right? However, if you're actively dating and playing the field, it's probably a better opinion to use the pill.

2.) IUD getting stuck? It happens sometimes, but it's not intensely likely. If you do carry pregnant, it will probably be fine. What are the chances of you getting pregnant surrounded by the first place? 3/1000! Compared to 8/100 for the pill and 15/100 for a condom. Stats are from the Mayo clinic guide, which is linked.

I imagine you should look over the birth control guide put out by the mayo clinic. Only you can decide what is right for you. I looked-for a long term form of birth control and chose mirena because the bud (norplant) is not available in the incorporated states right now, and the shot (depo-provera) have is a much stronger dose of hormone, and more side effects, than the hormonal IUD or the pill.
Consider other birth control.There are many abundant other side effects of the IUD including cervical cancer and infection.The IUD does not stop the egg from being fertilized with the sole purpose from planting itself.It also may fall out in need your knowledge.There are implant you can get below the skin that last up to 5 is the shot which you bring back every 3 months.Please for your own sake stay away from the IUD> if you are ever planing on having another child (not all the same but later) I would say to jump on birth control pills cos you are taking it all the time you know that you are locked and if and when you choose to have a nother child it isnt so easier said than done for it to come out of you system (just have to stop and permit it pass out of your system)

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