Is this a majority sensation?

The other night DH be massaging my g spot (sorry if tmi) for the first time and it feel good but have kind of a subtle burning sensation too. He tried to do it again the subsequent night but from the awfully start the burning sensation was nearby but stronger and it kind of stung a bit too so I told him to stop. Is this a typical sensation or could he just hold been putting too much pressure on which cause a slight friction burn? We have both be tested for infections and we are both clean so I know that isnt the motivation, could anyone shed some light on this please?

appreciation x

Answers:    i think it lately take some getting used too, when my bf first did this to me it feel kinda like you described the more u do it though the idea kind of go away and it starts to feel better. i don't estimate theres anything wrong with you =)
im not too sure but conceivably he had something on his hand that upset the delicate harmonize down there!

draw from him to wash his hand, not with soap! later try, if that doesnt work i would go see my gyno.

suitable luck!

i'm sorry i don't really no but maybe he have something on is fingers (not dangerous) irritating or maybe he did press on too tricky but at least its not a infection or anything risky

hope it gets better
Your urethra is directly within front of the 'g' spot and it could be agitated. Wait a few more days and try again. If pain persist, bring it up with you OB. you may only just be more sensitive than usual so any bit of to much pressure will hurt,, tell him to run it easy or only give it some time between those sessions

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