Freaking out?

I have no view where to start. Im simply a big ball of stress right very soon, I have be for almost 2 weeks now. I in recent times want to know if Im pregnant or not, and Im not "supposed" to get my time until monday/tuesday. This is my 2nd month on the pill but 2 weeks ago this saturday my boyfriend did something stupid inside me, and I feel totally stupid. Normally, we are appropriate about that not up. And it happened. I missed one pill my first cycle, but doubled up the subsequent day, get my period for that cycle. This cycle I hold missed no pills yet, but lately I hold been getting these red spots when I wipe, kinda close to spotting. I got this creamy substance around Monday when I wipe, and I dont know if that was me ovulating or not, which I didnt have a sneaking suspicion that you were supposed to on the pill.

Im thinking something like taking an EPT test monday, I a moment ago dont know how accurate it would be.

If anyone could help me out, I'd appreciate it, no rude comments please..

Answers:    If you are going to enjoy sex you have to become responsible. Anytime a guy is inside you it presents a pregnancy risk. One single drop of pre-ejaculatory fluid have millions of sperm. So if you were doing this closing month - you could be pregnant this month.

You still ovulate when you are on the pill. If you didn't ovulate you wouldn't have any period.

It is totally useless to take a trial until your period is 10 days departed due.
The spotting is probably just from you one "new" on the pill. It can take a few months for you to catch on a normal extent cycle. I would take the pregnancy assessment if I were you, but mostly a moment ago for piece of mind. I doubt you're pregnant :) You should still be fine. Let me share another type of bc you may like as much as I do. Your body is supposed to be regulating your hormones, this is how you be designed. Often the pill is used to force periods to be regular, as in good health as protect from pregnancy. I’ve seen adjectives kinds of ruthless side effects, from small nuisances, to women whose entire life is messed up forever approaching loosing their uterus. The pill can be very uncertain. I get suicidal on it. When I be choosing a bc method, I researched them all. What I come up with be the diaphragm. It works without hormones so you don't winding up up with these huge Natzi hormones overthrowing and controlling your organic cycle. It's like a womanly condom, you can't feel or see it and neither can he. You put for a moment spermicide on the rim, which seals it and kill any trouble makers. If you follow directions as to how to use it and do so exactly, it's as important as the pill, on the pregnancy part, possibly better. The doctor will fit you to get the right size and to show you how to put it surrounded by and remove it. It's easier than to remember to take a pill everyday when you’re not gonna hold sex everyday. You just own to remember it when you’re going to have sex. If you forget it, logically it doesn’t work at all. If period are an issue regarding sex, it won't be anymore. The diaphragm holds the blood over dark. It was my favorite bc method. However similar to the pill, it doesn't protect against std's, or the possibility of getting a disease that will kill you.
physicians assistant
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