I have the depo shot and can't pregnant?
Answers: This sounds odd, but she wishes to STOP TRYING.
It may not be the depo provera. Then again, it may be depo provera having her not go and get pregnant.
I'll tell you, my mom tried and tried to carry pregnant, never did, tried everything. Then one day she stopped trying, and subsequent thing you know she is positive and pregnant next to my brother.
I feel its a mind over the body issue. If she keep trying and trying, that stress of trying may be inhibiting her from getting pregnant.
I would also see if she will see a doctor to find out if it was depo to be exact stopping her from being pregnant. If so, enlighten her to look for a class action lawsuit (there are frequent out there against the maker of depo provera).
.sooo?. She had it ages 15-17, but how long have she been rotten of it?
How old is she immediately? The depo shot stays in your system a long time. For some relations as long as 2 years their fertility is interrupted according to the Depo Provera manufacturer. But, I know others who found it be interrupted much longer (5 years) even though that is not considered the norm.