Why is a in no doubt nouns on my breasts sore?

Yesterday I was outside beside a few other kids just goofing rotten, and then when I woke up this morning, an nouns of my breasts closer to my arm pits were severely sore. I KNOW what sore breasts is a sign of, but they are only sore surrounded by the same spot where on earth my arms are sore too from goofing off for so long. Could this be similar to a pulled muscle or only achey muscles? My arms are sore right beside the spot, and my shoulders are sore too. Could it be from running and my arms hitting there?

Any answers are appreciated. Thank you.

Answers:    Depending upon the type of spasm it could be various ailments, but from your description and the reality that it started just after physical leisure it is probobly nothing.

If it is sore one and only to the touch or when your arm/chest brush eachother it could be chaffing from sweating/running/clothes etc.. Lotion the nouns and try not to aggravate the soreness too much - it should be gone in no time.

If it is sore when you move your arms or push/pull/lift things - afterwards it is probobly just muscle soreness from strenuous entertainment. and should go away soon.

If the affliction is constant and extremely severe then you may enjoy some type of more serious muscle injury. If this were the casing you would have probobly already see a doctor.

If it persists consequently maybe consult a professioinal. If you're really worried and it doesn't budge away, consider, as a woman with near breast tenderness (assuming it is not a monthly pain), checking yourself for lumps. Again lumps could in recent times be a symptom of menstration and will go away within a couple days. Lumps from "that time of the month" and those as a result of breast cancer are different and will feel different. But better past the worst than sorry I suppose.

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