Wat happen wen u own sex next to a guy and u are surrounded by ur length is it discouraging or right?

Answers:    If you're asking if it is unhealthy, it is not. It can even abet to alleviate cramps.

Be aware however that you MUST still use contraceptive protection (if you're not using the pill, etc) because while unlikely, pregnancy CAN still happen.

Also, you are never protected from STDs so other protect yourself no matter what.
alike, just pretty messy. it might be a bit messier than run of the mill, but whether it's good or impossible... that depends on your two!
That would depend on the two of you. It could be messy. And if you didn't use protection, you still have a luck of getting pregnant. I got pregnant contained by the same situation. Personally..I find sex more pleasurable when I am on my time of year. Although it is quite messy. An orgasm also help to ease the menstrual cramps. So its a personal point and no one can make clear to you if its bad or appropriate. You kinda just gotta numeral out if you like it or not.
Everyone is different.. But something that will backing.. Take a warm shower or hip bath before have sex, it will slow the blood flow. baaad ergh its dirty and you have cramps and stuff so only just eurgh youl get blood on his dick its sick
Nothing can start but yuk! NO ONE NEEDS SEX THAT BAD THEY CAN'T WAIT FOR 5-8 DAYS, There are some religious beliefs against sexual intercourse during menses, however it's perfectly sound.. just be sure to use protection unless you are contained by a long term monogamous relationship where on earth both partners enjoy been tested for STDs and don't protection whether you get pregnant.

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