No interval even so...?

I had a infant in July 2007, started using Mirena within October 2007 and haven't had a term yet to this year. I know having a little one and the use of an IUD can really screw up a woman's cycle, but is this usual to not have one at adjectives for this long?

Answers:    Yes honey..completely normal. It can appropriate a woman up to a year to have a term after giving birth especially if you are or were breastfeeding at anytime. Along beside the fluctuation of hormones after having a babe-in-arms you also have an IUD which add another factor of change. Its completely conventional..I wouldn't stress at all. Next time you travel into see your dr. mention it.
i don't think so you customarily get it contained by 1-2 months you should go to the Dr.s bureau k!bye oh and i hope i helped byebye!!! prob. not u should ask tha doc.
yes it is thats why i want one i have my baby may 2007 Do you breastfeed? This can suspension your body's return to the reproductive cycle. This combined with superfluous birth control from Mirena may be the reason.
Seeing a doctor, is probably the best process to go. Your body still may be somewhat off from horomonal change, but you cant be to sure, so see a doctor.

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