Implantation Bleeding?

Can you experience implantation a week after your period? A lot of sources online influence that it's typically right before your interval would start.

Also, if you are mid-cycle, haven't missed a period but want to find out if you are pregnant, will a nick home pregnancy test work? Or will it solely be effective after you hold missed your period?

If it's not implantation bleeding, what could this be a sign of?
I'm 19 years matured, on ortho tri-cylcen lo (for the past year) and my boyfriend and I use condoms everytime.

Are in that other hormonal things can happen to woman that rationale a slight pink - brownish light discharge and slight cramps?

Answers:    Implanation bleeding when it occur can act abundantly like a menstrual time of year such as by causing cramps and such because the body is trying to adjust to the pregnancy. It can also exact some spotting to occur on the panties resembling when the period first starts.

(Have found this out from friends who hold been pregnant and other places where on earth I read on the subject)

This kind of bleeding that you are notice can also occur because of the means of access your body is dealing with the Ortho-Tricyclen Lo. I have considered its sister product Ortho-Tricyclen a few years or so back and my doctor told me no because of the reality that it could cause irregular or what is call breakthrough bleeding. Breakthrough bleeding is any bleeding that can act deeply like a time of year but isn't (because it's happening at other times during the month except the actual period-normal period last from 3-7 days).

Another possibility for the bleeding and also cramping is that of a hormone imbalance such as Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (an example only).

The singular way to know for sure what's going on is to see your doctor for further evaluation of the situation to see what they suggest could be going on.

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