I really requirement comfort beside this problem!?
Oh and my mum and doctor don't know im extremely embarreed so dont want to read out anything to them about it
Answers: You obligation to tell your mom. You can cart medication to help prevent them. Also their may be things that you can do to relief. Like take showers not baths, wear white cotton underwear, steralize your underwear so you don't hold reoccurences, etc. Don't be afraid to talk to your mom. She loves you more than anyone within the world, and she has impossible to tell apart parts you do.
it isnt anything to be embarassed about. you really should articulate to your mom so that you can see a doctor and they can prescribe the proper medicine for you. recount your mom. its not good to save getting them and its very graceful for your doctor to give you something to clear it up.
Tell your mom and travel to to doctor..he will give you a med so you won't seize yeast infections anymore!