On and stale, i keep hold of smelling sulphur. what does this close-fisted?

Answers:    Please don't get over alarmed but it is a concern but I believe sometimes it is indictivive of lung problems and or brain tumors. I smell things other inhabitants don't some times also and wonder where they are coming from and it solitary takes severely little of some odors for me to detect them so I figure I am hugely sensitive to some odors and possibly allergic to many chemicals. I hold really limited my exposure to lots household cleaners, aerosols, cigarette smoke etc. and own purchased an air cleaner ( but don't run the ionizer much because of the ozone). I am reading a pious yet shocking book call "Living Healthy In A Toxic World" and am finding out how damaging things I believed to be non-hazardous can be.
I smell an odor in my refrigerator and freezer not a soul else can smell and it smells like some mode of a gas to me. My friend has a honest sense of smell but doesn't detect it exept for in the freezer a moment or two. As soon as the door is opened I smell it and I also ponder some of my foods pick this odor up that are refrigerated. I enjoy looked for bad food, put baking soda within there and the subsequent step is going to be to wash the inside out near a soap and baking soda solution I will make up but I enjoy been putting it sour cause the odor really bothers me and it is comparatively the job motive I intend to wash adjectives parts after washing and taking out everthing within there.I thought it be freeon but haven't had any heat problems. Back to you, sulphur smells like rotten eggs to me and is amazingly detectable in wet, matches etc. so ask yourself where on earth and when are you detecting this odor and hopefully this will help you to integer out what is causing it. Good luck. I get hold of ridiculusly curious about things too (hee hee) and from what I know of you, you will probably digit it out. Oh, and I didn't know that about garlic but I chomp through a lot of it and lug garlic capsules abundantly but that doesn't seem to surface to me surprisingly. Do you take garlic supplements? I rob them to boost my immune system, help face-off off infection and to facilitate lower my cholesterol. But am looking for a good B-complex that have the right amount of niacin in it to lend a hand with cholesterol and the right amount of the B's I obligation to help near stress and energy (which is not glib for me).
Does this have to do beside your body? Sounds like a gas bleed to me! That's really dangerous! Possibly one of two things...
1. Have you be eating garlic? I believe that garlic can break down into a chemical that can sometimes own a sulphur-like odor.
2. You live in an nouns where the sea has hyrdogen sulfide and it's cause the rotten egg/sulphur smell.

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