Can have a D&C wreak long-term vandalize?

I had a D&C after I give birth because of retained placental product. Because of the extent of the bleeding and the doctors' difficulty finding the retained material, the D&C be apparently performed aggressively, beside both the curette and the surgeon's hand.

I am wondering if this could hold any impact on my fertility. Any nurses, doctors, or anyone with a similar experience?

Thanks so much.

Answers:    I own had two kid and be pregnant with a third when I miscarried. My doctor be hesitant to do a D&C because she said it cause scar tissue and could effect getting pregnant contained by the future. I contracted to have it done because departing stuff up there that shouldn't be near can cause infections and can grounds serious problems. You need to on form for your new child and if it has to be done it have to be done. Don't dwell and I'm sure everything will be fine.

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