Help Pee Situation ??

I feel the extreme urgency to pee adjectives the time.This just started today and i dont know whats wrong.It doesnt burn when i pee though so im confused.I pee alot as is but today it seem like i cant attain away.Can anyone help?Thanks

Answers:    Sounds similar to a UTI to me, call your Dr and win antibiotics
the burning might lead to an STD. hold you been sexually busy? if you, you might want to check out your doctors, and you might have a blader problem. but i'm no doctor, so i'm not sure. but you NEED to see the doctor for sure. you might be pregnant. or you might enjoy a bladder infection. i would go bring it checked out.
I know you said you don't feel burning when you pee, but do you touch chills? If so, it could be a bladder or kidney infection. You could try drinking lots of cranberry juice for a daylight or two and see if that helps. If it doesn't, you should bring checked by your doctor. They'll probably make you pee contained by a cup so they can check it for infections. Are you diabetic? This can cause this. I would see a doctor if it persist.
if you are not sexually active later it could just be a urine infection but i really wouldnt rule out diabetes. Common signs of diabetes is tiredness, other being thirsty and drinking alot and urinating alot. Go to your GP and find out.

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