Someone plz speak about me i own have burning wen urinating,frequent urination bleeding ,sharp pains within the vagina?

Answers:    Of course you need to get hold of to a doctor as soon as you can!

They can tell deeply from a urine sample, but they will probably hold to do more tests. Don't hysterics or be too scared to move about. Likely the tests will not be raw. If you wet your pant on the way to the doc, they will figure out, don't be embarrassed.

Remember I am manifestly not a doctor, but if it was me until i could into my appointment i would ask the nurse what to do to be sure. Ask them if this will relief: drinking a lot of hose down, try to drink a cup of cranberry or blueberry juice at tiniest every hour.
See your doctor ASAP. Tell you what ... to go see a doctor? Go see a doctor!
Maybe a bladder or infection or yeast infection, but if it's that serious, see your doctor AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.resembling RIGHT NOW. Go to the doctor. Could be a bladder or kidney infection. Could be something else. Only a doctor could tell you for sure.
It could be a urinary tract infection (UTI) or a bladder infection...any can be serious if not taken trouble of. You need antibiotics.this type of infection can spread through your me on this. sounds approaching somekind of vaginial disease. Any doctor would have to look at something resembling that to find out
why are you wasting your time on here when you could be getting help (a) the doctor?! You hold a bladder infection. A very fruitless one. Go to your doctor and grab a gallon of 100% cranberry liquid on the way. Go immediately. They are terrible, I kow.
Sounds approaching you have a mean urinary tract infection! You need to see a doc and return with some anti-biotics! If you don't catch it surrounded by time it can back up into your kidneys and end in severe damage! Of Course progress c ur Dr.! It could b a infection or something worse such as herpes.Either way u necessitate medication...
A lot of problems hu?

Ditto what was said above, you've get problems that need solving asap.

If you don't hold insurance, try a free clinic or planned parenthood (they will know how to help you get hold of temporary govt coverage on insurance).
see your doctor asap. Sounds close to this could possibly be a Yeast Infection or a Urinary Tract Infection...Go see a doctor ASAP!
sounds like a urinary tract infection...

Symptoms of Urinary Tract Infections
Bladder Infection
strong, constant urge to urinate
sharp anguish or burning in the urethra during urination
inability to fully bare bladder
possible blood in urine
soreness surrounded by lower abdomen, final, or sides

Kidney Infection
above symptoms
back torment

they own over the counter meds for UTIs and drink lotsa water/cranberry drinks
go to the doctors and he or she will transmit you what it is
maybe its your extent?? see a doctor. you have a bladder infection. it's efficiently treatable but you need to see a doctor past it gets any worse.

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