Bacterial Vaginosis and Frequent Urination?

I have a frequent urination problem. I enjoy the urge to urinate all hours of daylight long. I can't even go to the grocery store or precinct because I have to stay contained by the restroom the whole time. After going to my PCP to be checked for UTI, which I know it wasn't, they also did a pap to make sure it wasn't chlamydia or gonnorrea. My pap come back denial for STD'S but showed a yeast infection, bacterial vaginosis, strep B, and also Staph. My doctor gave me a 3 hours of daylight prescription for Clindamycin vaginal Ovules. I am also taking doxycycline. Has anyone every experienced this problem. I honestly just want to curl up and sleep adjectives day so I can hold from having to pee adjectives day long. This is truly making my time miserable. Any suggestions welcome.

Answers:    get your e-mail. sit back because this is going to be long. but anything to give support to out someone in like situation.

I have be trying to battle this for months. But during my research I notice that thousands of women go through this, and that they bring back bv or different reasons. I couldn't communicate whether it was a yeast infection or bv because I have no odor (not that I'm complaining about that) Mines own a lot to do beside the birth control pills that I'm taking (I'm guessing.) I've been through those harsh pills (I found that swallowing it with cranberry liquid kills the bite. the trick is trying to have the pill slide down as hurried as possible too) I've been thru the clindamax cream, and purely got stale the metronodizol gel a couple weeks ago. But
statistcis show that most women have to turn thru like six things of meds to catch rid of it, some women get rid of it and it comes rear within a week to four weeks. Why it's knotty to get rid of I own no idea. Some women shift through it for years. Mines is finally gone after taking this metronodizole gel 0.75%. but I'm not shouting yet because the stuff give me a yeast infection which is very adjectives with this stuff, and very soon I'm trying to get rid of the yeast. but if u do the gel, expect a white clumpy discharge, and it still works a few days after you're done next to it. They say it's a possibilty that my bv can come rear in a couple of weeks, but I'm crossing my fingers. My frequency finally started to clear up a week ago when the bv have cleared up, but came wager on when the yeast infection started up but it's not as irritating. but it does take a a little while for the bladder to walk back to ordinary when the bacteria
clears because of the inflammation. But my college nurse recommended that I start using Rephresh, which keep that PH balance surrounded by place. It's a possiblilty that u can still get it repeatedly and women go and get it for different reasons. They can obtain it from multiple sex, they can be allergic to their partners sperm, they can take it the same defence y u get a yeast infection, I merely found out that stress triggers it. But the multiple sex part is the use why they have to testing u for gono and chlamydia anyway, whether u have them or not. It's a moment ago something they have to do. My fiance be upset but it was lately procedure. They got to the point where on earth they didn't test me for that stuff at adjectives because they knew I be clean. But start using Rephresh after this mess is over. I've took a break from it for a while. But start using that, and consequently lessen it up by just using it after intercourse and after your menstrual
cycle is over. That's adjectives I can tell u that might help out out. Everyone's bodies r different so I don't know. Start eating fruits, and intake yogurt too. That's what I'm trying to do now. And use the soap delicately down there when u bath the vulva. don't douche if u do. This is what the rephresh is for. Hopefully this helps because this is what I get from researching for 3 months. Any more quesitons don't hesitate to ask. I know it's irritating and can gain quite depressing. But u of late have to hold taking the meds until it's over. And as soon as it's over, take that rephresh to try to prevent it from coming fund! Hope I helped. Good luck..seriously! I'm wish myself luck as well. Peace n luv hon
Call your dr. again and ask if you can bring meds to slow down the frequency. It may be that they want to clear up the infection first, which may be causing the frequent urination. It's also possible you may be diabetic, but I reason it's just your body trying to flush itself out. Best wishes to you, I hope you have a feeling better soon.

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