Answers: A hormonal birth control method taken soon after unprotected sex that attempts to prevent a pregnancy from occurring (by delaying ovulation and other ways). It is highly effective if taken within the first 24 hours but the effectiveness drops after that.
It is to prevent a pregnancy from occurring. Plan B is an emergency contraceptive that can still <b>prevent</b> a pregnancy after contraceptive end, unprotected sex, or sexual assault. It is NOT an abortive method, if you are already pregnant, it will do nothing. It should be taken in 3 days (72 hours) of unprotected sex, or in the even of condom fiasco and can reduce the risk of pregnancy by up to 89%. The sooner you help yourself to it, the more effective it will be.
its an ABORTION PILL! which way it should be called the murder a newborn after it has started growing pill, not the plan B pill.