PLEASE HELP ME! I am within a madness. I grain approaching I am going to cry.?

Last night me and my boyfriend lost our virginity to respectively other. I made him put on 3 condoms, and then I tolerate him take one stale. Today I feel REALLY strange. My stomach hurts. I'm not sure if I'm imagine it, but it feels harder than average. I am NOT on my period right immediately, but, oh god Im so scared. I really don't know what to do. Do you ponder Im being paranoid? Please help out. :(

Answers:    You say you used at lowest 2 condoms during sex. DON'T DO THAT AGAIN! You're more likely to downfall up unprotected that way because they'll termination up coming off! One is not dangerous enough!

It's fairly normal to get the impression the way you do after your first time. You're not paranoid. If the distress lasts and you're still worried and you want peace of mind next your local clinic or doctor will have see girls in your situation copious of times. They're descrete and confidential.

It's good that you're practicing not dangerous sex but you really don't need more than one condom. The likelihood of it splitting are higher and furthermore you increase the likelihood of one remaining inside you if this happens.

UPDATE: Thumbs down?! For recounting her to be SAFE and go to a clinic. What planet are you on?
3 condoms! WTF? Girl, it sounds resembling you weren't ready to do the achievement in the first place...

Most expected yes. How old are you? Theres zilch you can do but wait and see if you grasp your period. best entity to do is relax. I've been in attendance before and stressed out so much that it made my length late due to how much stress I have. I know its hard, but thats the best warning I can offer, everything is adjectives said and done you can't go rear and change it in recent times wait it through you won't know anything for sure til after.
and I agree, you may not have be as ready as you thought you would be. slow things down if you hold to for your own sanity if anything, you know?
another pick if you are worrying yourself sick, you can always turn to the clinic, i know around where I live the local drug store pharmacies enjoy the "plan B" pill you can take, and I dont believe you entail your parents with you (you might if your below 18, I'm not sure) if that is an picking you are willing to look into.
From the "intricate stomach" comment, I assume you're scared of self pregnant, not of having some quality of disease. You cannot feel pregnancy for months. If you don't achieve your period for 2 months, buy a home pregnancy theory test and do it on yourself. If you're still unsure after that, go to a medical clinic and own them do a pregnancy test.
P.S. Being pregnant the first time is alarming but having a child is a wonderful wonderful entity. If you really don't want to have a child right now, DON'T HAVE SEX YET. i reckon your being extremely paranoid. you should be fine if you wore a condom, but for adjectives reference, in recent times use one. using two condoms causes more friction and make the chances of the condom breaking more possible. but to be honest, your fine. there's no way your stomach would be thought harder already, and its probably hurting because your so stressed about it. freshly calm down and hold your mind occupied. and i wouldn't be surprised if you missed your period- but not because you are pregnant. you may miss your spell because you are stressing SO much about this. and i sympathize near you, really i do. I've dealt beside the fear a few times up to that time and i'm also known to be comparatively paranoid. but seriously, the chances are SO slim. a moment ago calm down. its over an done near and there is zilch you can do about it. only relax- you're FINE! hope this helps girl- well brought-up luck. <3
You're imagining it, and yes, you are anyone paranoid. If sex is stressing you out this much, you weren't ready for it. Calm down. Your not pregnant if your boyfriend still have the other 2 condoms on. Your just freaking yourself out. You will be fine. But if your this upset by this conceivably you weren't ready to hold sex in the first place. Reavaluate your situation and most of adjectives calm down its gonna be adjectives right
Its ok but next time myou do it with the sole purpose use 1 as for the stomache u might think ur pregant and most possible ur not just relax you are going down a highly slippery slope you whole mortal is trying to tell you this is wrong for you to be adjectives is sex, are you going to listen are you going to be like everyone else. All he requests to do from now on surrounded by have sex little time for movies its other to the dark nouns to have sex, not frequent sports events always sneaking out to enjoy sex. Is this the way you want to live your duration, wondering if your are pregnent every time you peroid is a little belatedly, holding hands mechanism nothing from presently on no time for a kiss just hop in the rack. Isn't love wonderful. Aren't you excited! You don't own to live like this, sex outside of nuptials will never repeat never be enjoyable. You will be missing profusely of you life its your choice are you going to listen to the crowd or your own on gut fancy this is wrong. Why would all the other girls ignite you because for them its to late they want you miserable approaching they are.
that sounds like your pregnant, i dont show to alarm you but have you told anyone? gurl, appease da hell down.
basically from da style u keep goin on n on roughly dis, u werent really ready.
n u're thinkin around it too much. u're totally stressin ur self out n being extrememly paranoid, so U r makin ur stomach soreness worse.
calm down... or ring me... lol

** and to da comment from Answer Z.
u're stupid. she jus lost her virginity last nite.
pregnancy ma azz.
stop scare ma friend like dat.
gurl, u're not preggers. relax n do sumthyn calmin, cuz da solely problem u have is: u're worrying too much
you shouldnt use more than one condom. its easier for the condoms to break if he wear more than one. so it better just to use one and use it correctly. i would see if you gain your period.

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