Helllllp! im scareddd!?

i was in recent times messing around with my boyfriend and he rubbed his penis on my vagina, however here was for a time bit of precum before he did this but we rubbed it stale. my last term was january 18th i be suppose to get it sometime this week or fundamentally soon. im stessed and scared. please comfort and please no stupid answers. thanks. im singular 16 and hes 15 weve never had intercourse nor do we want to, what are my likelihood ill achieve pregnant this happened on sunday so when should i pocket a pregnancy test if i did to? pleaseee facilitate

Answers:    There is a slight chance that you could be pregnant. "Precum" does mostly contain a few sperm. I know you rubbed it off, but as you know, it just TAKES one overachieving sperm to cause a pregnancy.

Now, until that time you get too upset, the likelihood are highly UNLIKELY that you are. I suspect that, right immediately, your stress and worry are cause a delay within your period. I've see it zillions of times in youthful women, ane in not-as-young women, too.

Go ahead and do a pregnancy try-out in a few days. Maybe when it comes out denial, you'll be able to relax adequate that your menses will come and everyone will be happy.

Just a information, if you and your bf are going to be "messing around" on a regular basis, you'd best start considering some level of protection. You may say that you don't want to hold intercourse, and that may well be both of your intentions. But, "messing around" have been prearranged to change a few minds.

John Jones, M.D.
There is a possibility even though it is markedly slim. I would get tested. The sooner you know for sure, the more option you have. Given your age you may be postponed for your period even if you aren't pregnant. You may want to consider have bc available to you at all times. Read the following, and dispense it some thought please: It is our bodies job to regulate hormones. It's a fastidious balance and can be thrown past its sell-by date easily. When they put a young-looking woman on hormone bc, they are just totalling strong Hitler-like hormones that force your bodies do as they want. The pill causes a woman to stop releasing eggs. When she quits taking the hormones to enjoy a baby, sometimes she can't ovulate. I met a woman who have been waiting for 3 years to own a period since she quit the pill. No ovulation, no babe-in-arms. The pill is still doing it's job. When I be choosing a bc method, I researched them all. Those who use the IUD can hold horrible side effects on a woman's fertility. If perforation, embedding, or pelvic infection occur, the uterus or tubes may become damaged and lower the fortune of pregnancy. In cases of severe damage or infection of the uterus, a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) may be required, resulting within permanent sterility. I've see this more than once, so it must happen in principle often. What I’ve found after research is the diaphragm and the cervical sou`wester. They are like womanly condoms, you can't feel or see them and neither can he. You put spermicide on it and this kill any trouble makers trying to get hold of past the railing. If you follow directions as to how to use it and do so exactly, it's as effective as the pill. Another positive is that you buy one and it last for years. It's about 35$. The doctor will fit you to capture the right size and to show you how to put it in and remove it. It's easier than to remember to embezzle a pill everyday when you’re not going to have sex everyday. You freshly have to remember it when you’re going to own sex. If you forget it, of course it doesn’t work at adjectives. If periods are an issue in connection with sex, it won't be anymore. The diaphragm holds the blood over night. It be my favorite bc method. However like the pill, it doesn't protect against std's, or the possibility of getting a disease that will decimate you.
physicians assistant ret.
The chances of you human being pregnant are about 10million to 1 so don't verbs. Stress in itself can explanation irregular periods. Now that you are 16 why don't you run along to your local Family Planning clinic and discuss different contraceptives. You may have not go all the mode this time but who knows what will occur next time. So be prepared and other use a condom. Relax!
Your freaking out and that will actually exact your period to come subsequently than usual.
It's your mind messing with your body pretty much.
Just relax.
It's really not that big a operation when you think roughly speaking it.. there is I don`t know a 1 in 900 indiscriminate of getting pregnant.
But make sure if your into groping.. and in recent times pressing against each other freshly use some protection!
If you havent had intercourse consequently you're probably not pregnant.

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