What is peuberty?

I don't understand what puberty is. Help!

Answers:    Puberty is a word used to describe the hormonal change a person's body goes through surrounded by the pre teen and teen years. For boys, this includes things like acne, their voice deepen, facial and body hair, and an increased sex drive. For girls, it includes also acne, the nouns of breasts, their first period and consequent propensity to become pregnant, and increased difficulty keeping off counterbalance.
your body changes surrounded by certain whys inorder for you 2 become a man or women e.g growing penis or boobs its a time when boys and girls beigin to grow up physically.
your voice change, you start growing hair adjectives over your body. your view of the differing sex begins to metamorphose. ( guys ) you'll start getting erections more frequently.(Girls) you'll start having your period.

Basiclly puberty is the beginning stages of your developement into teenagers and eventually adults.
please stay within school when you're outdated enough to if truth be told spell PUBERTY then you are hoary enough to ask.
is when you are in the order of 14 to 18 years, when you grow hair on your private chunk and the time you will start menstrating. The period or age at which a individual is first capable of sexual reproduction of spawn: in adjectives law, presumed to be 14 years within the male and 12 years within the female.
it is the time within your life when you adjust from a kid to an adult, Physically, mentally, emotionaly, and scocially. For more info yak to one of your parents. Prefrebly your mom if you are a girl and your dad if you are a boy

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