Mense: a "girl thing"?

I'm a girl aged 19. For some years now, I own this weird article I can't quite described explicitly somehow related to my period contained by a way that I don't.. really know.

Basically, I seize my periods only just like most girls do every month. I other have cramps, or others may describe as dhysmennorea during my interval. My breasts also feel swollen and they become awfully sensitive that they're usually sore. This one happens in the order of 2 weeks before, after & also during my spell. I know why these happen since I've researched more or less them. There's just this one extra article that I could never find in any textbook, medical encyclopedia, etc. Around duplicate time as my breasts become full, my knees become weak, tired, stressed and/or on edge. This ALWAYS happens when I'm nearing or have just finished my mense and I can't find any source to answer my own sound out.

Answers:    I get a colourless tense outlook in my legs which may be indistinguishable kind of piece. I have never really looked for an explanation though, I lately kind of digit it's all cog of it. If this is all a big problem for you, mayb you could consider going on the pill? It's really be a big help for me, my period don't last as long immediately, the cramps aren't as bad, my emotion aren't so all over the place, the ligament stomach-ache I experience is barely even at hand anymore. But what I would recommend the most is find a bulk billing doctor!! If you aren't on centrelink or don't have a form card, you usually only enjoy to pay the ery first time you progress to a bulk billing doctor and then after that it will be free.

Estrogen plays a role within ligament strength. Maybe you have an feeble knee injury or "thin knees" and the fluctuation in the estrogen at that time of the month could exact your knees to ache.
When in attendance is swelling of a body part so close to the heart, I would imaging it may boundary blood flow to the extremities. A lack of oxygen contained by your legs would cause them to become insipid and fatigued. This condition could be exacerbated by obesity. It sounds to be similar to your body is really run down. Could you be anemic? I'd start taking a good multiple vitamin and mineral. Hope you discern better soon!

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