My first gynecoligist stop by. helppp?

im going for the first time. imm really scaredd/nervous. what should i explect? like what kind of questions will he ask? and whats the exam really approaching? please be honest and helpful. gratefulness =]

Answers:    The OB/GYN exam has really be built up to be a scary, shameful, horrible experience. Honestly, for most women most of the time, it isn't- or doesn't have to be.

The doctor asks around your menstrual cycle (be sure to write down when you had your concluding period), sexual activity, birth control methods, and probably lately some general robustness questions.

You will be asked to attain undressed and put on the paper/cloth covering. When it comes to having your actual exam, you will tell stories down on your back on the exam table. The doctor commonly checks your stomach/abdomen with their hand, and probably your breasts as well, for anything peculiar (lumps, etc).

Then you will be put into the stirrups. Your feet be in motion in, and your legs are lift a bit- your feet are superior than your head while lying flat, but not uncomfortably far up. Often, the sheet covering will block what the doctor is in truth doing.

The doctor inserts a device into your vagina, which opens it up and allows them access to your cervix for a pap smear. This device is usually plastic, and while it may be aware of slightly uncomfortable and cold (due to lube and size, and also depending on if you own had any sexual penetration), he will be as serene as possible.

They will need to scuff tissue/cells from your cervix during a pap smear, which means they pinch a long, thin device similar to a stick and use it to reach the cervix. You may be aware of some pressure during all of this, but not a hint actual pain. There may be spot bleeding, but if within is any it will be very wispy and nothing to be concerned around.

Also, they may check your ovaries/uterus, which involves inserting one/two fingers in the vagina, while the other foot presses down on the abdomen. A bit of a strange sensation, but again, it doesn't hurt.

That's in the region of all.

Depending on if you are sexually helpful, the doctor may also ask about STD carrying out tests, which would mean a blood indication.

The more comfortable you are with your body, the smaller amount scary and degrading the whole nouns will be. The best thing to do is relax and speech honestly to your doctor about it. He should explain everything and answer adjectives of your questions. Best of luck!
Honestaly its probaly going to be a completely embarassing time for you. Thankfully you may have a woman doctor and if you dont you can request one. When you jump in depending how frail you are you may need to bring back a Pap smear done where they lift a scrapeing of the cervix (which is at the top of your vagina) and test it for diffrent things. They may theory test you for STD's and then they ask if you are haveing sex and may put you on BC if you want to.
It is embarassing but if you consistency at all self-conscious tell them and own them explain exactaly what they need to do and why and what for.
Good Luck!
I have my first gynecologist appointment just a few weeks ago. I be just as troubled, if not more so than you are. It really wasn't as doomed to failure as I thought it would be.
He'll ask you about your monthly cycles, and if you're sexually involved or not, and what types of contraceptives you use, if any. I imagine they'll do a breast nouns and a pap smear. The pap smear is a little discomfited, especially if you're a private person similar to me, but it doesn't last long and really isn't as doomed to failure as people speak. It's gonna be cold.
Don't worry if it's a guy. He's see em plenty of times before and yours won't look any different!
Be sure you communicate him it's your first time and that you're nervous. He should be unbelievably nice and understanding. He'll explain everything he is doing.

A nurse will bring you to the room and endow with you a paper gown to put on, along beside a paper blanket. If you don't appreciate how to wear the gown, ask. She'll tell you to undress, wear the gown, consequently sit on the edge of the exam table. She'll start out you alone in the room to do this, and you'll hold plenty of time.

Then the doctor will come in. You might keep on awhile. They get busy. He'll knock previously he comes in.

You can be completely honest next to him. He is YOUR doctor and will not tell anything private to your parents. Take the opportunity to ask him around anything. He's heard it adjectives!

He'll ask you about your sexual leisure. Be honest. He'll probably ask how your periods hold been and if you hold any discomfort down there. Then he will own you lie on the exam table and scootch to the bottom. The article blanket will be over your lap. You'll put your foot up into little foot shelves on either side of the table and he will do an exam of your vagina. He may insert smooth tools inside you to examine your cervix. If you are a virgin, he might skip this step. You won't be capable of see what he is doing, because of the paper blanket. That make it a little easier. He'll explain to you what he's going to do and what you will feel until that time he does it. Remember, he's done this hundreds or thousands of times.

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