Switching types on the pill, how long till the mood swings progress away?
Im not on it for sex, but I'm meant to pinch the last pill Saturday, but I lost one of the pills, so necessarily now my ultimate day will be Friday (tomorrow) Then I'll start the unknown type the next Sunday.
So when will the mood swings jump (if they even will) because they're losing me friends!
Will I stilll be a total * next week when I'm on nil, I can't remember from the previous months, or will nothing variation till I start the new ones?
Answers: It could cart approx. up to 3 months for mood swings to go away, however that doesn't other mean that they WILL disappear. Some birth control pills build us women even more psycho than what our male counterparts would say aloud is normal (hehe).
Because you enjoy switched birth control pills, your new one have a different forumla and different progestin which causes mood swings. Your body may or may not adjust to the brand new levels.
If by providence your moods do not get better and/or they attain worse sooner than later and you KNOW it is not you and you KNOW that they are getting worse, afterwards make an appointment beside your doctor to discuss switching. It's frustrating (ohh boy do I know...after 4 prescriptions!) but it might be worth it. If you suddenly feel close to you are crying all the time, are worthless, hopeless, anger outbursts over just about anything, etc., it could be a sign of depression and it could be directly related to your birth control pill. In which case, be paid an appointment with your doctor right away.
Give it rather more time to see how it goes. I know it's more than frustrating to do business with and I know some inhabitants do not understand how a PILL can kind someone feel this course and act this mode.