Period cramps?

Ok ive been getting cramps but ending night i woke up and get really bad cramps that i cant explain but every time i stood up i would be alot better what the heck is it wreak i dont think its time cramps.

Answers:    yes it is...i have one and the same problem =P.u can cure cramps by moving around..otherwise ur jus sittin there crampin up...cart some asprin tht helps ALOT!

hope this help u <3
Ask a doctor. eat chocolate

it make everything feel better :)
steal advil and then call upon your doctor you could be pregnant or just really bleak cramps..happens to me but its the in front of.i feel better when im bent over for some defence
by standing up and your cramps go away, its probably something else, i grasp bad impossible bad cramps and nil works, but severe medication, a heating wad and pot! get checked out! its cramps purely get a heat pad and some nighttime tylonal and sleep it of!!
Probably in recent times those fun ole mentral cramps! I hate em! possibly u're pregnant... if ur period is belatedly do a pregnancy test and check
cramps get hold of worse and worse as you get elder. laying within a fetal position helps. bloating and gas. sometimes it's so much it cause lower back agony...
My grandma use to tell me to crawl on adjectives fours and do cat stretches.I looked like a jackazz but help ease the anguish.
it could be just really doomed to failure cramps. i got such unpromising cramps once i almost cried, i thought something was patently wrong. but it went away. some individuals just find them worse then others. if you regard something is actually wrong, similar to your apendix or something serious you should see a doctor. Sounds like interval cramps, the same entity happens to me when I lay down and next stand up, it's because when you are laying down the blood isn't flow as smooth as if you were standing up, deeply look at like this, its more pressure on it when you are lay down then when you stand up it take the pressure of the cramps and it doesn't hurt as much. It's really weird to explain but it happen to me all the time. I other notice when I lay hunched over the side of the bed when I own cramps that helps, but as soon as I lay down they catch way worse.
i did some research on the internet and it is a moment ago very severe length pains, i have timetabled some websites below which i read through and it is quality tips, angelic luck and dont worry roughly speaking it, speak to your mum or trusted adult if your still concerned and next go to the GP if you are really worried, but i enjoy them right now as i am on my time and i am using the tips below and it is helping majorley!

Kind regards,

- C Xxx
I researched this for you focusing on the start of cramps when you lie down and here's what I found so far. Spasmodic contractions can come something like by way of the repeated utilization of a single group of muscles &can also come roughly speaking because of "lying down or sitting"in an awkward postion governing to the restriction of the circulation of blood or in cases where on earth nerves underneath the skin are depressed . This is one possible reason for such cramps. Another ,if the discomfort is greater rather than lower, is heartburn. assuming you do not own other symptoms (i.e. fever, nausea, vomitting) If your cramps usher other symptoms and/or don't improve phone call your local E.R. or doctor and ask them about it.. Research the web for relief.

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