Tested verbs for STDs contained by November but still own my doubts?

I got myself tested for STDs contained by November after being intimate next to my new boyfriend for the first time. All results come back verbs. We were simply intimate one more time, surrounded by December. Both times were minus protection, but we're in a mutually monogamous relationship.

I hold noticed that when I wear a wad, I tend to break out in small bumps for in the region of a week in my vaginal nouns, usually towards the rear. It happen again this past week (no sexual contact), when I have to wear a pantyliner continuously for about a full week. I have my tonsils out a week ago today, and was placed on steriods, antibiotics, and a narcotic for a local anaesthetic. Could this most recent rash be due to the combination of medication I am on, or even just sensitive skin?

Again, I've have no sexual contact with him since December, but as expected that little voice in the pay for of my head is worrying me. Thanks for any insight!

Answers:    Sounds resembling a yeast infection to me.
It can do that on the outside.

The best thing, is if it breaks out again, go and get into the doctor right away and have them look at it, preferably a dermatologist.

There are varied things it could be that are not STD's, but you're a smart girl for being paranoid, if you ask me.
Do you know this guys history?
Keep contained by mind, he could have something, and not know it, so it's not other a factor of someone lying to you.

Have HIM go contained by and get impossible to tell apart complete workup.
Frankly, I'm amazed that they don't automatically tell general public to bring their partner in for test too, and there should be an equivalent of a mannish gynecologist too.
did they test for herpes? That is what it sounds close to.i'm no expert though...

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