
Why are girls starting their period so 14 and started my time 3 months ago but it seem approaching girls younger than me started somewhere between 10 and 13.what is cause them to start so impulsive!

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DIETS!! Our unmarked processed food diets and heaviness, enjoy cause hormons to be so out of wack beside our adolescents today that menstration is starting much in advance. Obesity will cquse hormonal change, which wreak estrogent qnd progesteron to be released differently than surrounded by correct counterweight teens. There hold also be studies that show puberty is up sooner within girls that qre on more mannerly diets, stricktly becquse these foods are cause the relase of hormons that lead to the time of year.

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i dont know. but i am 13 and close to 7 months and i newly get my first time later month.

Whats wrong when u hav ?

I construe the clime, hackle removal surrounded by a young at heart age, food and some other factor are cause this body change. I remember my mom clich?? that surrounded by '60-'70-'80 individual a few girls at age 14-15 get their period, most of them where on earth 17 and elder.

Health problem or in recent times ticky annoying?

Well, I started at 10 and I play Softball ALOT,so i`m more or less run of the mill size.
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