Pls suggestion me on sex?

which is the right way to own sex?,
i'am 22 yr old girl, my boy friend is other ask me to have sex,
but i'am severely afraid of it. that it will make anything wrong.
what i enjoy to do?
should he have to use condom while doing equal.
what i have to do, is it will stinging.

i have read some of the, where on earth some peoples had written that it be painful etc

Answers:    The singular right way to own sex is consentual sex with grown-up people who will use condoms. Don't do it if you hold any doubts what so ever. From reading the details of your question, I would vote you are not ready.

For some girls first time sex hurts for a time. If you do decide to dispense your virginity, engage within extra foreplay, ask him to go down for a bit, and use rather lube. The more turned on you are, the less feasible you will be to have cramp when he enters you.
in attendance is no right and wrong way to own sex, do what you are comfy with, it wil be sore if you are not lubricated.and ALWAYS USE CONDOMS! first of adjectives don't have it unless your relaxed and comfortable (it hurts alot less)
2nd in attendance is no right way to enjoy sex, its down to the indavidual
i won't make anything "step wrong" but you may bleed a little after (i did a unprejudiced bit but i've known ethnic group who didn't)
definatly use a condom not just for protection against sdt's and pregnancy but also for its lubracational purposes
yes it is painfull but alot smaller quantity if your relaxed and take it slow
it also won't be "amazing" the first time but after that i can assure you its a exceptionally nice experience

good luck and enjoy fun
You know my dear sex is something pleasant when you are ready, you don't own doubts and you are prepared for it.It suppose to be a good special point of your arousal as a woman..Yes you may use any birth control that will be moral for you.A condom is the most handy one.It is painful , it's similar to having a skin abrasion but will stir away afterwards. however the most important article is for you to answer if you are ready for it.Hope I help u The most important tips I can bequeath you begin near you. Check out your own body. Feel your clitoris, it's the first bump inside the front of the lips. See what make it feel fitting enough to bring you to orgasm. Most women cannot hold orgasm without clitoral stimulation. Everyone is different and different things turn different nation on, so find out what yours is. Next, the most important is, while, "within the moment", relax, experiment. Don't be afraid to try anything you are willing to do, play, bring back serious, just explore, confer, tell him what is working and what is not, don't be afraid to use your mouth, fingers, anything. When he penetrates you, it will probably hurt some. So play and have fun up to that time and after and make respectively other feel obedient as well as have intercourse. If he's not willing to pinch his time with you, he's doesn't deserve to receive the offering you are giving him. btw guys don't feel like peas in a pod about sex as we do. The don't realize we are giving some of us to them as they are giving zilch of themselves. Not always true, but mostly.
If I can support you any more email me. I'm 50, and I've done just more or less every sex act I can reckon of. Unless I didn't want to, even some of them, I tried just to be sure.
ps, construct it something to really enjoy remembering. You can't ever do this for the first time ever again. You will other remember it. I still remember my first and it's as clear as yesterday.
pss, YES he MUST wear a condom. He can't even pop in and afterwards out. When he gets turned on he will start leak sperm immediately and adjectives the way through.
Everyone have these worries about sex back they do it; I did. I was unbelievably afraid of it and very afraid but once you have sex you realise there's nought to be scared of!

Sex is different for everyone so there's no right or wrong agency
to do it you just enjoy to be relaxed enough to do anything makes you comfortable. If you're coy of your first time make sure you're lying down somewhere you're comfortable beside and just relax and permit him do the work.

My first time wasn't painful at adjectives but some people I know have some discomfort. It depends on the person but from what ancestors have told me it go away quite soon. To take the edge off any pain you might hold use lubrication and make sure you catch lots of foreplay - and go slowly!

If you are worried give or take a few wrong and right ways to do it then you'll cram theres no right and wrong way by doing some research. Asking question like this is a apt thing. Asking your partner what he like will give you guidance (but you don't enjoy to do anything you're not comfortable with). There are websites with tips for first timers which are really really dutiful - I'll quote a couple below for you.

You cannot be scared of the misery because the more tense you are the worse you will trade name it for yourself. And if it is painful remember there's nil you can do about it and it will ratify. Accepting these things will make you realise there's nought to be scared of and a short time ago sit back and delight in it!

Oh - and ALWAYS use a condom!
k good first r u completly belive him or not if u love him/if u know roughly sex then budge ahead.. thats is ur life do not verbs about trditions... it is not mistake...k explicitly ur life... but if ur serious and not intrstd later avoid him ... if u really belive in tredition and respect to ur parents next better to avoid it. If he loves too much and intrstd in sex if u also love after allow him. to have sex..its is verry intstng fist u know fully nearly sex and ur problems... and watch the blue films how they do... and chat next to him and love him go for picknick and unerstand him later latter if u r intrsd then do not ponder social life basically use condom and do sex and if u do not get after do not worry . u can grasp unwanted i-pills which helps to not own pregnecy but u should take inwardly 72 hours after sex...
k.bye all the best... but remeber most of the boys r ** and forget type only think.

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