Nuva ring users..?
Thanks within advance for your lend a hand.
Answers: yes, you can still use tampons. when taking it out, if the ring happens to slide out next to it, just clean off the ring and reinsert it. most couples utter they dont even feel the ring during sex, and neither do i, so thats a plus. I be always told to insert it the sundays after my time of year starts. or whatever year you chose to insert it every month. I chose wednesday so I get my time of year on the weekend so I don't have it during the work week. I love the nuvaring, but it may create you dry, so you may need to start using lube (sorry, not to be disagreeable or anything). it hasnt done a ton as for helping my period flow become lighter, but it have less of the side effects related to other birth controls. email me next to any more questions if you want!