Brown discharge for 3 weeks immediately? No time of year? Please oblige :-(?

I was supposed to achieve my period on 1/26/08, but instead adjectives I got be light brown discharge. I didn't imagine anything of it, but now 3 weeks latter I still have the discharge every hours of daylight. It's very street lamp - not enough to steep a pad or even a panty liner. I own taken 2 pregnancy tests and both come back gloomy. I have have unprotected sex twice since last time (we used withdrawal method, which I know is not 100% powerful.) I am in a relationship and I am an full-grown, so please do not be rude. Also, I am out of town so I cannot go to the doctor for two more weeks. I'm a moment ago wondering if anyone has ever have discharge for this long?
(Also, I have be tested for STD's and I have none.)

Answers:    Hi, the spotting could be the one and only way your length is going to appear this time. Although it sounds very uncharacteristic to have the spotting for 3 weeks. My first thought would be that you are or be pregnant. If you've ruled that out, it could just be stress or other ailment affecting you.

I've had similar experiences but never for as long as you. Definitely construct an appt with your doc when you catch back into town.

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