Tampons?. women please:D?

Ok im 12, had my period for just beneath 2 years now. And ive og tmy first tammpon surrounded by now..
How ld where on earth you when you first wore a tampon?
do yo uthink im old satisfactory??..
I havent told my mum im usin a tampon.. And im not pllannin on toeiitther lol.. thanks x

Answers:    hi babe i dnt think here is anything wrong wif wearin a tampon and ur mum is wrong to decline u wearing them, it wont harm u aslong as u correction them atleast every 4 hours (never really leave it longer) and a short time ago explain to her that u feel more comfortable wearing one, i be 11 when i started my periods and have to use them as towels made me sore and made me come up in a unwary, i think they are better than towels as they are more discrete and u can turn swimming with them within as they are designed to stop the blood leaving ur body (untill u remove it) try wearing a towel at dark tho but if like me its to mortified just put a tampon contained by right before you walk to bed and take it out as soon as u return with up. if your mum cares for you and requirements wots best for you she will understand, sit her down and budge on the tampax website so she can read about them n conceivably when she realises that there is no spoil in you wearing them she might lately change her mind x right luck babes xx
no your not too infantile.. just engender sure you change them regular. dont disappear the same one contained by all daytime..

also try looking at the tampax website they have lots of info for youthful girls..

good luck

www.tampax.co.uk 'i think'
you should give an account her! theres nothing wrong near it! and your not to young if you own had your interval for two years now.
I used mine when i be 13 but i started my period at 12. I be about 13 or 14 I judge - you can get toxic shock syndrome from wearing tampons which is enormously rare but can still develop so it would be worth telling her freshly to be on the safe side
whenever you are comforatable, i have a really slow period when i turned 10, so ii never wore one, but it only just started to get heavier, so presently i wear one.. and yes i am between the ages of 16-23 I dont think your too youthful to wear one. Tampons are heaven sent!! You should perceive lucky that your already comfortable with them. Considering I be 17 before I get used to them :(
Yeah, you're old satisfactory. Just make sure that you don't take off it in too long and that you swab your hands in the past inserting a new one. Just follow the directions on the packet. You'll be fine. I be about 14 when I first started using them. I be 12 or 13 when I first started using them and that was lately when my periods started. It really depends on if you be aware of comfortable with them - I don't have a sneaking suspicion that age matters to be honest.
I be 13 or 14 when I wore started wearing them, and have never worn pad since. You're not too young to wear tampons---if you enjoy your period, you're not too infantile, in my judgment.

You don't need to relate your mom, unless you want her to buy them for you. If you can get to the store yourself though, there's nought wrong with have her not know. I would never have told my mother anything resembling this, it just seem to invasive of privacy unless you're super close to her. Once again, just my judgment.
why havent you told her?? nothing to be ashamed or dismayed about.
i used my first one on my second time of year. i was 12 when i started (i started on my 12th birthday, in a minute that sucks lol) i couldnt wait to use them as i unloved using sanitary towels.
As long as you are comfortable using them then no you arent too young at heart. good luck x
There is nil wrong with using tampons.Just receive sure you use the right one.And any age can use them they are more conferable you to use.but also use a liner so you don't have any mortifying moments.Good Luck hi
i do think your behind the times enough to wear a tampon, you should bring the subject up again near your mum and ask her why she doesnt want you to use them, explain your reasons why you would close to to use them.
i was 14 when i first used a tampon, purely make sure you adjust them regular and read instructions in the packet.
bring up to date you mum you're using a tampon! toxic shock syndrome is associated with them and so are something like 20 other things. if you do get not a hundred percent unconscious or something, i.e. the first thing women return with asked is do they have a tampon within.(that's the first thing my mum get asked when i came down near chicken pox's)stupid i know. but i kept fainting
i be 13 when i first used one and had lone been on my period for about 3 months.i hatred those pads
receive sure you use the right absorbency
if tampons make you quality comforable during ur period after carry on using them! i started my length then i be 13 but didnt use tampons until i was something like 15, and i think within a great invention, i dont think your mom should hold said no but after all you are her babe and maybe she didnt chew over you were in place for them, but dont feel unpromising about using them because its up to you really its your period but make sure you read adjectives the instructions in the box and use them properly!
polite luck -x- Lol, there's nothing wrong next to wearing tampons you know? =D just because you put within inside you doesn't mean it's wrong ^_^

I instinctively don't wear them because I find towels easier and I've never tried them either (I'm 17, almost 18 btw), but you shouldn't be disconcerted =)
hi no you are not to young to be wearing tampons but agree to me just voice one thing to you around tampons as long as you change them every 2 to 3 hours you will be fine but dont make tracks them in any longer because if you do you could extension up getting toxic shock and that can make you sick young girls own died from toxic shock im not trying to frightend you but just be terribly caerfull that you change the tampon a repeatedly as poss and dont wear them to bed at nite you can always tolerate your mom know buy telling her over the phone. that would be eiser than recitation her in party. your mom probably said no because she thinks your to young at heart. maybe step on www.girlslife.com and see or ask a sound out if girls your age should be wearing tampons , also do a yahoo search. and print it out if it say yes so your mom has proof.
i really hopes this help you out.
If tampons are what you prefere then thats what you should use! Its your body and you consistency comfortable with it so really your mum shouldnt be recitation you what to use. Dont worry roughly speaking disobeying her. Theres nothing wrong near using tampons, even at your age. And like you said, its more conveneient and you can convey on with your each day life resembling swimming! Just remember to change them regularly and hold on to clean. If your mum does "find out" and isnt elated, just show her this give somebody the third degree! Your mum has period and should be understanding and supportive of your choice.

HOWEVER! Do not wear them at dark as youre asleep for about 10 hours enunciate, and tampons need to be changed reguarly. You'' be much better sour and safer wearing pads at bedtime (y)

Your body - do what make you happy and comfortable. xx

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