Hi, okay so i just started birth control this month, but i saw bedside light red spotting two days ago. it only happen when i wiped and be only once. is this spotting and breakthrough bleeding from my birth control pills? I purely started taking them, and my boyfriend and i had protected sex just once this month: we used a condom, he pulled out, and went contained by the condom outside of my body. some leaked into my foot but thats all. IM SOOO PARANOID ABOUT BEING PREGNANT!! WHAT IS THIS SPOTTING I SAW?
By the course, I will take my first sugar pill tonight as my length is due in the subsequent few days, and the spotting happened a moment ago a couple days ago..

Answers:    seriously, stop the panic.

Stress cause your period to be bad, so if you are going to freak, it will cause your extent to be pushed off even more. So collected down.

Bleeding is completely normal, especially if you are close to your term and just starting the pill.

Take a low breath and stop freaking or you are going to cause yourself far more problems. YOU ARE NOT PREGNANT!
Just loaf until you're period is in that. If you get it, you're not pregnant. And pregnancy test work best one day after your missed interval. prob dont worry this is typical try taking your pill the same time every year it can also be hormonal it think your not detrimental if youre already starting the sugar pills. keep takin them
woah, chill out, if you are that out of danger, you should be fine. Birth controll makes your period all wack for the first couple months. A friend of mine bled for 2 weeks straight untill hers evened out. Just hang around it out, it will be ok. Even if you are pregnant (which I really doubt)
you cant tell by spotting.
Spotting blood have nothing to do near being pregnant.
It could be a cut, it could be irratation, it could be similar to lint from red underwear for all you know. It could even be your interval.
Your not pregnant.
So stop stressin!
I can't take birth control pills because I bleed (spot) adjectives month long !! sometimes girls just bleed or hold unusual periods when they first run on the pill, its nothing to be worried just about, when you go into the gyno for a check up he/she will ask you roughly your periods, if their unusual or anything close to that, if theres any problem he/she will change your birthcontrol or explain it to you

but for hte first 3-4 months dont enjoy sex without a condom, to manufacture sure the birthcontrol has enter your system and is on a good cycle to protect you.
In the first few months ON and OFF of birthcontrol anything can crop up...with that said, when did you own sex last? If it be around the time you had sex, it could be irritation. Are you taking ur pill religiously? If you missed two pills around like time it could have be Ovulation spotting. The chance of you human being prego after two forms of bc are really rare but in attendance is always that microscopic luck!

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