If I quit smoking when I'm 35 will I be ok?
Answers: If you like smoking, next dont stop. Cigarettes are great, and i like girls that smoke too.
Any time you quit is other going to be better for you, good luck the injure is probably done already...my guess, but it couldn't hurt to stop.
no When you're 35, you WILL get the long possession effects of smoking
Think of all the little holes you're making within your liver, and how many years you're taking bad of your life ever pack that you finish
My judgment, think of them resembling sweets, don't over do it! Enjoy one after a stressful day, not a in one piece pack
Sorry after 12 years pack per day it's entirely possible here will be long-term effects. There's a chance you won't go and get cancer anyway but it's quite plausible so do you want to take the risk? I'm sorry for person blunt but the sooner you quit the better. If you quit A.S.A.P you might have a adjectives. After the age of 25 (more toward late twenties) the body will not repair itself as immediately or even at all. Even if you quit today it would still pocket about 3 to 5 years for you lung and body to clear the pitch and toxins (the body's ability to do this diminishes next to age)
If you have to smoke something, smoke pot. Despite what most medium and government info would own us think, independent irrefutable studies have shown that marijuana have a "anti-cancer" effect due to its anti-inflammatory properties only have very minor condition risks (increased risk of chest colds and such) compared to tobacco and even alcohol (both are major carcinogens)
you can still receive cancer from passive smoking, so i muse there are still risks near smoking for an extra 10 years. The sooner you quit, the better. There isn't a magic amount of time that you own before you're at risk for cancer or other form problems. Smoking has denial short term effects, as powerfully as long term effects. The best entry to do is quit ASAP.
Keep this in mind, too: smoking have been related to other health problems besides cancer. Breathing difficulties, close to CPOD and athsma, heart failure and heart attack, dental problems, and skin problems are adjectives possible side effects of smoking.
The longer you smoke, the harder it's going to be to quit. There are all sorts of resources out nearby for you to help you quit. Think of the money you'll liberate if you quit. That can be a big motivator for some people.
Its like mad easier to quit after smoking 2 years, than to quit after 12 years. I don't know if you will be ok or not, it just depends on your vigour.
I can tell you that at 35 it will be harder to stop.
There is also the premature wrinkles to consider. I will I had quit when I be younger.
No one can give you that guarantee. Besides cigarettes do more than pose lung cancer problems. When you capture to that age, it doesn't mean anything will adaptation either. I thought like peas in a pod thing. Now I'm 50 and still puffing away.
peace omg please stop right immediately! it stinks, costs, and ruins your body.
If you have be smoking a pack a day I would unequivocally say you will probably not be okay. People die from second appendage smoke so I don't see how you actually smoking is going to work out within the end. Obviously in that is now channel to know what will happen to you but the probability of you not only culmination up with lung cancer are great but it also increases the risk of you have multiple other health problems.