If I started my interval ultimate hours of darkness, when should i instigate my foreign pack of pills?

Since I started last dark, do I need to appropriate two pills today or have today (monday) be the first afternoon of pills?

Answers:    start the sunday after your period ends. This is the easiest passageway.
You shouldn't start taking your first pill until after your period have ended. Sunday
clutch it the first sunday after you period. That's usually what the docs told me. Start your pills today. Using the 1st daytime start method, you need to filch your first pill within the first 24 hours.
Today should be the first pill. Wait untill your term is over then start your strange pills unless you dont want you period afterwards start now my doctor told me that
i never stop taking my pills. you should start your contemporary pack as soon as the old pack is done. you should never, ever skip a hours of daylight. Start today but to be extra safe use contraception, condoms, for 7 days. Don't hang about till the end of your interval to take a pill.
Is this the first time you're starting taking the pill.

Then my suggestion is to cart the first one on Sunday. Then go from within.
Many Dr. will tell you to start on Sunday so it's easier for you to remember when to start a current pack and such. Alot of the pill packs also come pre set up for Sunday starts.
And you start your first pack AFTER your time is done/ending. Not when it first starts.

If you are already on the pill and are on a 21 pack. then if you took your end pill on monday... then pocket your next one on monday.

Hope this help
it all depends on what pills you are...if your on YAZ or Yasmine start taking the pills on sunday weather your done next to you period or not.if your on any others than start your pills when your length is over...ive been on a great deal of pills...i know these things. good luck. You should loaf 7 days before you start taking your pills again to regulate your time. Some pills every three weeks come with 7 that are different colors that don't contain hormones for the week contained by which you have your length. If your period stops previously 7 days then start taking the pills again once your time has finished.
There are two ways to do this:

Sunday Start:
Start the first pill of your pack on the Sunday following the first day of your extent. If your period begin Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Saturday, start taking the pill that Sunday. If your period starts on a Sunday, set off taking your pill that very sunshine.

First Day Start:
Start your first pill during the first 24 hours of your period. Be aware that during this first pack of pills, you will hold two periods: one during the first week of pills and one on the fourth week of pills. After this first pack, you will seize a period one and only once a month, on the fourth week of the pack, during the placebo pills.
You take one pill per daylight at the same time respectively day.

Since you said "strange pack" I assume this would be your second/third pack?

Or do you mean your massively first pill you are taking?

You could have Monday be your first daytime of pills, or you could wait until Sunday.

And, instead of listen to YA, you should call your DOCTOR and ask.

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