Physical or hysterical loss of libido?
She and her husband have been working out some issues surrounded by their marriage, and while they seem to be getting closer emotionally, her desire to hold sex with him has really diminished to the point where on earth she just can't get contained by the mood, although she doesn't refuse her husband and does her best to show enthusiasm...she just isn't pleased and finds herself wondering if it's worth the effort.
She used to enjoy making love next to him, but she's wondering whether this may be a hormonal issue since she's also experiencing problems reaching climax even with self gratification.
She's exercising regularly and eating right, and she's surrounded by her early 40's, and doesn't want to post this question herfelf because she's not computer savvy.
Can anyone relief?
Answers: she m y have to go to a doc or bring it up at her nextphyysical and if its zilch physical try to find her a theripist
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