How to bring back rid of an ingrown fleece surrounded by a BAD location?

I shaved my bikini line & for a time further and I have gotten an ingrown fleece which has made the moved out side of my.area.swell to twice the size of the other! Its resembling a huge cyst! I've had a couple others but within areas where I could confidently squeeze it out or pull it near tweezers...this one is not. I do NOT want it to get infected! I am 10wks 4days pregnant and don't know what I can use i.e. safe. could be pretty degrading for my next OB appt LOL. so any other philosophy other than squeezing? VERY VERY sensitive nouns.

Answers:    I get these closely and usually they just clear up on their own, but they can rob a while! Probably a lot longer than the time you enjoy till your next appt.

My waxer suggests putting a hot (hot as you can stand it) marine damp towel compress for 15 minutes or so. Reheat the towel if it cools bad too quickly.

If it get truly infected, you may have to travel to the doctor anyway and get it lance, where they drain the pus out through a syringe... but it shouldn't get to that point.

Just hold on to it clean and do the hot compress piece... if it gets worse after go see the doc anyway.
bring back lazer their it may be gross but its serious why cant you just progress to the doctor,
thats what they are there for
you want to goto the hospital to have it drained i have one on my neck but breed sure its REALY big becuz if its not ready they wont do jack
Btw be it realy worth shaving there? to impress family? why bother? i like naturual girls Wow! Bet that make your pants fit funny.
be in motion see a doctor Run a spoon under hot hose down and apply for short periods of time. eventually the pus will surface. I know they are really mortified!
since u r pregnant,i think u r better don't do anything unless u consult ur DR 4 safekeeping. treat it repeatedly with hydrogen peroxide...once the swelling is reduced see if you can remove it...a doc sounds close to a good notion.
get a plunger burn the tip so if can be setrile the poke the center so it can drain break the skin with a set of two of tweezers and pull the quill out. this is all a doctor will do. It may hurt,but it's really the one and only way. grasp it out tho,because the hair will merely keep getting longer.
doctor or shave it

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