Does saline food really...?

Does salty food really be paid your vag smell weird?
And do sweeter fruits engender it smell better?
My friend said that I eat too much speedy food and really salty food so I'm curious presently.
Is that true?

And please, don't tell me that my vag smells chance... it doesn't.
I'm just curious, because that's what she said.

Answers:    Diet will hold (almost) no effect on personal smell.
It is dependent on hygiene, exercise and types of clothing.
I think that's an unconventional theory, and it's not liekly true. I know for a reality (tested, tried and true) that men's sperm tastes different when they munch through salty foods and red meat. And they are virtually common if they consume lot's of celery. (I don't know why!) So I can believe the salty assumption. But I've never heard of it since.
never heard of that, but i guess doesn`t matter what you eat have an effect on your body chemistry and how your body sweats/smells/ etc.

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