Please backing i am so so so so so startled!?! what could be the wrong!?

okay so last dark i rolled over in my bed and i feel the worst pain contained by my left breast..i suggest it was horrible! its not approaching i turned over suddenly or to hard or n entry but it just hurt so doomed to failure. and it lasted for something like 30 mins until i fell asleep. then this morning i be being extra carful beside my boobs and the left one still feel a little sore and the slightest touch hurts so so fruitless...what could be wrong.!?

all answer are greatly appriaciated!
existence is short live it well

Answers:    I construe you should really go to the doctors because a doctor is the just person who can give an account you what is wrong for sure so if I were you I would walk immediately.
probably related to you cycle and/or hormones. if it continues you may inevitability to see a doctor for an ultrasound maybe you should progress to the doctors
You could have strained a muscle. If you're this worried, go and get a doctor to check it out. I don't know but GO TO THE DOCTOR!

good luck!!
Im not sure what would be wrong but i would see a doc. as soon as you can do you own breast implants or are you getting your spell in the subsequent couple of weeks are you pregnant are there any lumps.
i am really not sure give or take a few that but I would DEFINATELY call your GYN...worst covering scenario...cancer and you catch it untimely and you won' thave to lose your breasts. OR it could be infection in the mammary glands...definatley ask the DR> hey, look i don't know wut happen exactly but i really recommend u would go see a doctor ..i hope zilch serious...sorry for all the misery u went through
it could enjoy been gas going the wrong passageway it could be a sensitive chest go to the hopital it could be a hart attack
breast cramp happens for several reason. you may have a blocked duct, hormones may be to blame, cystic breast-go to the docs and find out. Don't stress over it though, I've have some serious boob pain surrounded by the past and it turned out ok. But I didn't vacillate to get by boobs to the dr. asap. im a boy
and thats happen to me sometimes if uve been exposed to cold weather that might be the idea
but if it keeps hurtin than its not majority u should see a doc
but if lasts 1 or 2 days than its not serious
i dont exactly know what could be
is within any lumps? it may be a cyst it probably has something to do near ur period but u should capture it checked out anyway cos i used to have this strain before i go on the pill
Pulled muscle? Pinched nerve.I enjoy had that come about to me. When you turn or move and your body is stretched out it is easier for the muscles to overlap and pinch a nerve. Relaxing your body will put together the muscles relax and unpinch the nerve but you can still be sore the subsequent day. Usually when it happen to me it was because I have been doing a repetitive or strenuous motion for extended period of time earlier that daytime.
You are okay. It is nothing to be worried in the region of. GO DOC NOW. hope everythigns okaie!! (:
inflammation or mid-cyclic pain are my solely differentials if you ask me,
anyway, go to the doctor to engineer check by mammography...
Oh, its me...Um I usual help you laot on question but this time I'm cluless...I know shocking! lol

Um..See a doctor or ask your parents if they can relate...

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