Who's tried NuvaRing?

I had awful side effects the finishing time I was on the pill. I've be off it for a year, but I want to be unbelievably careful immediately, since I started a lot of different projects and a baby won't fit for at least possible another year. I haven't heard/read any reviews about that ring and I'm curious... Has anyone tried it? Opinions?

Answers:    I be on the NuvaRing for almost 2 yrs. I loved it. I had seriously of problems with the pill and the patch, so my doctor feel this was a one time shot. He lone gave me one ring to use, and told me to insert it and if i have any problems to take it out right away. I tried it, and have NO problems with it. I would bleed close to crazy in between period when i was on the pill/patch. So when i be on nuvaring, i had no breakthru bleeding, newly normal cycle. I would significantly recommend it to anyone. At least donate it a shot...you wont know if u like it til u try it.
Never hold
dont take it YES i enjoy tried it and it was the worst. My leg and arm go numb and my vagina had a grotesque numbing in it. I detested it. My period be always a mess and i be sick all the time. I wouldnt never try it again...
My sister uses it & like it for the conveinence of not having to nick a pill every day. However, it is one and the same type of medication as those in the pill beside the same risks. The individual way to know if it will work for you is to try it. Birth control is different for everyone.
OB/GYN RN DONT use that stupid article! my best friend did and it gave her a key infection. its dangerous.
I didn't own any side effects, but it was a discomfort in the butt. It other kept slipping down. I am still real youthful and I've never had kids so my muscles down in that are pretty strong and I have no perception why it kept slipping, but I evenually got a UTI from it and stopped. It depends. I hold heard of women using it and getting pregnant and I hold heard some women never enjoy a problem. the best way to avoid pregnancy across the world, i think, bar to never have sex is to avoid sex during ovulation time...however...this cannot be acheived when first taking birth control because your cycle may be stale for a while. It would be best to read up about it.
I have major problems near birth control pills too...spotting, cramping...so my doc finally prescribed the NuvaRing 4 years ago.

I love it! No cramps. No spotting. No taking a pill every day. And my period are lighter, too.

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