Will my yaz protect me subsequent week?
After various complications near my insurance company I'm finally just buying my yaz pack tomorrow. It's be 3 weeks since I've taken my last placebo pill ( the 21 of January) and I know I could start my tentative pack at anytime, but it will throw "my cycle" off. My ask is if I started taking it tomorrow would it protect me after a week? (otherwise my period is due on the 16-22) and I'm going to see my boyfriend that weekend so I'd to some extent it not.
Answers: doing a quick-start will push your period wager on until the end of your pack, at most minuscule that is what my ob-gyn told me and i transport yaz as well, and taking it for a full week, it should start working, but it is other better to be safe and use another agency of protection.
Hmmm..that seems pretty risky to me! I'd read aloud to be on the safe side, use some backup contraception (condom, spermicide, etc.) until you've be back on the pill for a full cycle.
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