Breast lump guidance please?

I was contained by the shower and i noticed a lump surrounded by my right breast it doesn't hurt, but it seems to be soundless big like the size of a 50p coin and it's rugged. By the way i'm 17 not sure if specifically relevent. Advice please? Should i be worried?

Answers:    GO TO A DOCTOR! it could be breast cancer! or it might just be a cyst which are non-hazardous, but u wont know for sure until u check. Better safe than sorry! GOOD LUCK ;)
you may enjoy breast cancer, please get checked out. it could be a sist dance to the docter now sorry around the missplleings
if its hard next by all channel head to doctor immediately Go to a dr it could be numerous things so dont freak out but definately get it checked!!
turn to the dr. pronto, and get it checked, because u have need of to always stay on the sheltered side. it could be a tumor, but don't worry roughly it, just walk see your dr. the best thing you can do is turn to the doctor as soon as possible. there is no age for breast cancer. it could be zilch but its best to go trademark sure. if caught early it is fundamentally curable.
Please have the lump checked by your physician to be sure. Some women hold fibrocystic breast with soreness and lumps that are more prominent during their menstrual cycle. Every lump requests checked! dang.if its hard resembling a frozen pea...if it feels approaching that...then stir see a doctor. you still should regardless.
Definitely go see a doctor! It wishes to be checked by a professional. Breast cancer in a girl your age is infrequent, but not unheard of. Most likely, it is a cyst or only a normal complicated lump of tissue. Especially in childlike women, breasts can have a great deal of fibrous tissue that feels super lumpy and unyielding. BUT nobody can tell for sure except for a doctor, so don't whip the risk! You should always own new lumps and bumps surrounded by your breasts checked by a doctor. Get thee to a doctor ASAP. Don't panic, but do go and get it checked out by your Doctor.
I recently found a fairly large lump, have it biopsied, which didn't hurt at all, everything turned out OK.
Better to hold it checked and then you don't own to worry going on for it. You'll be fine.
go to your doctor or gynecologist without beating about the bush, or a free clinic. breast lumps are not to be ignored, especially ones that do NOT hurt. draw from a mammogram and a breast ultrasound too. good luck. age have nothing to do next to breast cancer these days. Breast Cancer!
nah..don't jump to a doctor..what do they know?...i would say dont stir to a doctor until its the size of a cantaloup, and you're anemic, and can hardly wander, be cause the cancer have spread thru your body...who the hell needs doctors?...I speak go to apsychic healer...they own new herb they can swirl over your body and chant a soothing mantra...until u die..
are u an idiot?!?!?.grasp to a doctor right away! OK, let's start at the beginning: do you do a breast self -exam every month? If you do, and this lump lately appeared suddenly in a week or three, after it is unlikely to be breast cancer. It is more likely a cyst or blocked duct. Is near any pain or soreness when you touch the site?

Have you have a mammogram in former times year? Tumors don't tend to grow that rapidly.. contained by virtually every case a tumor that size would lug several years - which is why you would normally own found it before this.

If you haven't be doing your breast self exams (and every girl and woman needs to revise how to do this as soon as she has breasts, and, believe it or not, so should the MEN, because they are not immune to breast cancer - ask your doc to demonstrate to you, and, hopefully the doc have a 'practice breast' that lets you sense how a tiny lump would have a feeling when you place your fingers flat against your breast and make small muted cirles, etc)

Regardless of how/what/when/ etc it is possible it is any of the above, and, yes, it may be cancerous. Tumors generally start out small -like a small piece of rice, then growing to pea sized - They are found when they are in the order of the size of a peanut or less when you are wash or are engaged surrounded by sex [that's when the majority tend to be found. When one has a benevolent and committed partner it's a good perception to teach them to do your BSE on occasion- heaps women fit this in as element of foreplay- but still do your own monthly check]

Tumors and cysts don't generally do pain. Infected or blocked ducts tend to be sore and own redness associated near the site.

Look at your breasts; is one larger than normal? Does the skin look close to the skin of an orange, or is near any puckering anywhere on the breast? Do you have any drainage from the nipple when you press it? Check and see - your doctor is going to ask you when you give the name him/her for the appointment or at the very smallest when you come in.

Regardless of what is cause the lump, you need to phone up your doctor on Monday. Tell him/her about the lump and that you want it checked asap. Either your pediatrician or a gyn can check your breast.

Don't permit the doc put you off, any. Set a time frame. Be seen inside the next WEEK - if singular for your peace of mind.

Good Luck, and God Bless

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