How do I stop masturbating?

I masturbate about 1-6 times a morning EVERYDAY. For religious reasons I obligation to stop but I can't. Do you have any suggestions?

Answers:    Don't stop. *Shrug* What's the big operation?

I don't know what the religious reasons would be. But if it's that meaningful to you, just feel unsexy thoughts.

Edit: After seeing your additional details, I would influence that for one your friend's mom shouldn't be your moral compass. Your own mom should be. And two...she's crazy. If God didn't want us to masturbate, he would have made our arms shorter.
What religion are you? Tape your arms down your back.purely keep yourself colonized and if it is important enough- you will stop.oh... that woman is jealous because even she doesnt own the nerve to touch herself consent to alone anyone else.
Like any other addiction, you're not going to stop unless you truly decide you want to stop. If you truly want to stop, procure ride of all your masturbatory stuff (videos, magazines, etc.) and block those websites from you computer. Get rid of any and adjectives temptation you hold to do it. Get rid of any lotions or ANYTHING you use to masturbate. Then you just enjoy to stop doing it. Don't touch yourself except for bathing, medical and bathroom purposes.
Good luck, you'll need it.

Just read your supplementary details. Dude what is your MOM'S FRIEND doing bugging you about your masturbatory conduct? That's kinda creepy. I'd tell her to eff rotten and then do it more.
Sorry desire i could help. There is zilch at all wrong next to you I would rather you do it your self instead of running around. Some peoples sex drives are abundantly stronger than others. If you are really wanting to stop than every time you get the urge try to reason of something distracting like your grandparents ,your parents, Your preacher at church, And if on point in time you slip up and find your self in your bed room. Do not thump yourself up to bad give or take a few it I promise you your are not the only one who masturbates. since you utter you need to stop b/c of religious reason, i found some religous websites for you that specialize in this subject of masturbation and how to stop doing it..
im not sure what religion you are but i reckon some of these websites are Mormon.
good luck and God bless..
you gotta ask your self: Is this interrupting your life span??
Do you avoid hanging out near friends and doing things just so you can masturbate??
Masturbation is considered a sin to A LOT of religions.

To try to stop, preserve yourself busy. Do yardwork. Workout. Cook or just do something to hang on to yourself busy.
Dont look at any erotica, dont tempt yourself..

If you masturbate a few times a day, that is to say okay.
Just do what is right for you!
You are not going to hell for masturbating that is crap. The reason to stop would be your body is your temple respect it.

Contrary to popular belief masturbation will hinder your response to your husband when you go and get married. He will never be as good as you are sexually to yourself.

When you masturbate it one and only make it more and more enticing.

You can stop this when ever you are thinking of it stop notify yourself stop do something else go work out jump for a walk keep under surveillance TV do not look at porn of any sort. You have to develop your self control fitting luck
OK, first of all, you're not going to hell for that. Let's draw from that straight. (I street preach, so bear next to me, I'm not just clich?? this)

Think about intake for a second. We have to get through or we'd die, so eating is a appropriate thing. But if adjectives you ever think almost is food, you eat 12 times a afternoon, and you let yourself seize to weighing 800 pounds, next it's the sin of gluttony.

But... if instead you reason about food adjectives day and how significant it is to be thin, you possess about everything you guzzle, and starve yourself until you're a skeleton that's also a sin, the sin of vanity.

The "right" piece to do is eat when you are hungry, guzzle enough to hang on to healthy and after go on next to your day. Eating too much or not plenty is when it's a sin.

Now we have to assume God know what He was doing when He made us, right? To perform as a reminder that we're supposed to someday fall within love, get married and enjoy children, we have urges from time to time. God know about those urges, He put them within. But you're not going to go out and win married and have kids NOW are you?

So masturbating is a route to turn off that urge for a while when it pops up, so that the urge doesn't stay within, reminding you constantly "Hey, go put together a baby!" adjectives day and making you crazy. It's almost close to hitting the snooze button on an alarm clock.

To NOT ever masturbate is to let yourself believe about sex adjectives the time because the urge is there and you won't win rid of it, so that's getting to the sin of lust. But if all you ever regard about is masturbating, you do it so repeatedly you never leave the room, consequently it's the sin of sloth, being inefficient and just have fun.

So anyways, the way I be taught, it's not a sin to do it, lately don't do it all the time newly for the heck of it. Just when your body sends you an urge to think more or less sex and having kids, and after just to carry rid of the urge for a while.
lol same problem...i mean EXACTLY...i'm a christian but i simply can't i'm reading this stuff for myself too so ur not in it alone sister. i guess what i've be doing is when i think in the order of it i just put something surrounded by my hand or jump get some food (not sound either) but it stops me...or i think roughly speaking how much pleasure i'm giving the devil. and that makes me stop for sure. Since St. Augustine prayed to be spared from raining dreams it is pretty clear you should stop. I'll pray for you.

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