How ripened be you when you get your interval ? on ..?

How old be you when you got your first length and how did you feel on the year you got it ...approaching bloated ,tired ?? because i am twelve and i have a sensation i might get it soon .

Answers:    Well in actual fact it was pretty funny because the daylight before I simply ended sports for the season. My stomach hurt more than usual and it seem to get worse. I go to bed and the next morning at school I couldn't stand it. I go to the bathroom and there be the evidence..I started. I was 12 years hoary.
I got mine when I be 12 and I don't remember having any symptoms the first few times. i freshly got it a month ago. i feel the same as other
i am 13 and i havent started yet.. srry i could be of much facilitate:) I was 13 when I get my first period and I feel nothing different.

But beside periods after that I would enjoy cramps on the day I get it.
i got mine when i be 13 and i did feel a bit bloated and somewhat quesy i be barely 13 and i remember outlook wierd. i couldn't explain it, but it was similar to i just KNEW it be coming... it was wierd. and yeah i be slightly bloated but not crampy or anything. soudns like you're getting closer to womanhood. congratz and honourable luck. :)
I got mine when I be 11, and I feel a bit effortlessly annoyed, and my lower back feel I had be carrying something heavy for a long time, but I be sitting. Don't worry, it won't be that doomed to failure!!
Good Luck!! 13. I had no concept it was coming until after I have it for about a year. some individuals never get bloating. at your age, I am sure you will find it pretty soon too. Don't worry, it will start when you are ready. meanwhile, put away healthy, rest and receive some supplies on hand, approaching pads and advil. dutiful luck.
I had my length when I was 8. It be on Christmas and since it was on Gods holy morning, it didnt hurt. I am now 10 and have my 9th period. Well I am thirteen right very soon and I haven't got my time yet.
You can procure your period anywhere from 8 to around 17.

The signs of getting your length soon are..
-You have have breast development for 2-3 years.
-Pubic Hair
-Armpit Hair
-Whitish-Clearish Discharge

You can also hold
-Lower back pains
-Your breasts are sore
-Cramps around or below the belly button nouns
-Cravings for a paticular food/candy/drink (It is usually chocolate that women crave for when they are about to come on their term but it ould be anything)

Anyways I hope this helped!
very well im 11 and im getting the cramps but i havent started yet and im sure its the right mode so around like 11 12 13 I get it when I was 11. Since it's be 10 years I don't remember how I was fear.
I got mine when i be 13
I wasnt bloated and it didnt hurt at all Im not a woman but I other wonder what a period feel like.
I be 16, nearly 17, talk give or take a few a late bloomer i started crying because i be the only one out of my group of friends who have started (i was twelve).. if you know a friend/friends who enjoy already started then it would be god to consult to them; trust me, it wont be wierd, they would be glad you turned to them.. i wish i would own had someone similar to that.. but if you dont its ok. just remember that when THEY adjectives start YOU'LL be the expert. LOL.
omg wow. the pain be awfulll... i had the WORST cramps ever... so, if you quality like your gonna start soon afterwards you need to start taking advil or something similar to that so the cramps wont be as bad.

hope that help =]
i was 9 i didnt recount my mom and i still havent i am almost 11 and still havent so sorry this snt good info but do transmit your mom

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