Birth control!!?

I know that oral contraceptives and the patch enjoy plentiful risks associated near them resembling breast cancer, blood clots, etc.. Does anyone know what description of risks come along next to the IUD impalnt?

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I'm not relatively sure, but I DO know that it made my 16-year-old cousin VERY sick, so sick she have to rob other medication to cure the bad health, and more meds, etc., and she eventually passed away in the order of 9 months after that ... so for teenagers, it's not really a virtuous conception.

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An IUD is more invasive and can involve risks of pelvic inflammation or infection.

Kinda akward but i'm gonna ask anyways?

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Not really, except infection which is a low risk I envision next to usual intimate hygiene. You know that an ovulation thermometre is a intuitive and honourable process, though a contrived track to contraception !

bleeding module two?

I have the IUD and I would bleed for give or take a few 2 weeks out of the month. Great birth control....I could never enjoy sex!
Everyone's body responds differently - you won't know how yours will, until you try it.
Good luck!

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I hold hear that the larger the IUD, the lower the pregnancy rate. Unfortunately, the larger the device, the more possible is the woman to enjoy cramping pains and to own chunky period, which are a considerable disadvantage. Also, the presence of a IUD increases the contractions of the uterus so that sometimes the device is expelled. This usually take place during menstruation but it can ensue at other times too. Of course, if the IUD is not surrounded by the uterus the woman is not protected against an unwanted pregnancy. It take nouns after respectively menstrual cycle to net sure its 'still at hand'...
Good luck to you.....

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