What is a douche bag?


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Okay here are the two diffrent types, the medical and the slang magazine.

"Terms such as shower pocket, douchebag, d-bag, DB or simply douche are popular language of insult or ridicule in Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand. The slang usage of the occupancy date rear legs to the 60s. Initially, it be used to insult a woman. The origins of the use of the residence as an insult is derived from lesbian goings-on. However, over time it have become a permanent status for any sexual category.An example of this occupancy used contained by an insulting demeanour would be "K-Fed is a Douche Bag!", illustrate on an episode of Family Guy.It is a adjectives insult on the stop-action animation tube show, Robot Chicken.The possession have become a adjectives occupancy surrounded by some forms of popular culture."

"A douche is a device used to introduce a stream of hose into the body for medical or hygienic reason, or the stream of wet itself. The word comes from the French communication, surrounded by which its principal consequence is a shower (it is thus a disgraceful false friend encounter by non-native speakers of English). The word can refer to the rinsing of any body cavity but usually applies to vaginal irrigation, rinsing of the vagina. A douche rucksack is a piece of equipment for douching: a purse for holding the sea or fluid used within douching (the permanent status douche daypack can also be used as an insult; see below for slang uses). To avoid transferring intestinal germs into the vagina, indistinguishable pack must not be used for a vaginal douche and an enema."


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