When girl seize thinking something sexy did she hold a white bleeding?
Answers: LOL OMG
first time I read/heard that earlier and it's so funny!!
Ok seriously, I think her horomones are heightened as she's probably ovulating... hence white bleeding ;)
own fun!
lmao...if you don't know you shouldn't be married. borat much.that was hardly english
haha thats funny. that usally is *. she is arroused!
Please tell me this is not a serious cross-question. White bleeding.. come on... more like c**. There is no such entity as "white" bleeding.only red. This could be any discharge or c*m
hahahahahahaha!maybe she's excited!you must be from a country where on earth you dont have sex till your married.would be best to do some research give or take a few the anatomy of a female..accurate luck man your gonna need it! LoL individuals only bleed one color. RED. It's a moment ago discharge buddy. It's normal lol hahaha. Maybe you should do some research.
Ahahahaha. Did you ever enjoy your sex education? Um...you shouldn't be married at adjectives if you think your wife is bleeding white gooey...
She's obviously horny you idiot >.>
It's call getting aroused and wet, of late like a man get hard.
White bleeding is a wrong occupancy, it's called vaginal fluid/secretion. wow, i'm a kid and that's FUNNY.
I'm sorry you get so many desperate answers.
During the course of a month, the fluid that comes out of a woman's vagina can change surrounded by texture and even color, depending on where she is within her menstrual cycle and how she feels. When she is ovulating (her body is producing an egg so she can receive pregnant), then the fluid might look clear but be character of stringy (like mucus coming out of your nose when you hold a cold). At other times, it might be a white color. There also might be more fluid because she is thinking of sex with you. That happen because the woman's vagina is prepaing for sex -- more fluid makes sex easier to hold. So, all of this is to read out that it's normal and it's great that your wife is thinking of you. Now, I reflect you should figure out a passageway to be with her and not go her alone while you work.