Is this even somewhat middle-of-the-road???

i play competitive soccer and i seem to always hav to shift to the bathroom it is the most annoying thing in the world. i hav to ask the coach contained by the middle of every warm up. it sux i stick out cuz i am always running to the bathroom and its degrading. it is only when i play soccer games and i go similar to 3 times b4 we strt to warm up. is it just edgy pee??? what is wrong with me??? how do i make it stop???

Answers:    don't drink too much previously practice. When at home drink some cranberry juice or use AZO to kind of flush your system.

Sometimes have to go to the bathroom is a sign of a urinary tract infection or something else.

Some home remedys help.

If it doesn't stop, check next to your doctor..
If it burns when you pee and smells funny, it could be a bladder infection, which will make you pee a lot. If you drink abundantly of water before you play, that will appreciably make you pee a lot too. Otherwise, it's probably on edge pee, which is normal. Eat a banana before you play. The potassium will help out calm your nerves. I definately think it's freshly nerves getting the best of you, especially because you mentioned it only happens when you play soccer. Try to engender a pee trip before you play and relax. If you've gotta go, walk! Don't feel embarrassed...the more you regard about it the more you'll need to pee...conceivably you freak out about "maybe need to ask to pee again" too much which will cause you to be nervous. Make a quip about it with everyone if you see that it's drawing attention - family will laugh along with you and in the past you know it - you won't care about have to pee anymore.

If the problem persists, or you have any added symptoms afterwards please don't ignore them- always consult a physician :D

Now step kick some butt!
I was within a similar situation. I used to play soccer for fun and I would have to pee often. Now, the bathroom is freakin' 7 minute tramp from the field and I knew I wouldnt know how to make it there contained by time.

So I came up with a clever theory: When I started sweating, I would secretly poor water over the crotch nouns of my shorts. That way, when I had to pee, I would a moment ago pee in my shorts, and nobody seemed to spy the difference..
I really don't think that it is over active bladder. It is probably a combination of nerves roughly the upcoming game combined with drinking fluids to stay hydrated. There isn't profusely you can do to stop this. You need to stay hydrated to play well. But perchance trying to go before you travel out to the field and try to empty your bladder since you play so it is less likely to riddle up so fast. if its only at soccer games, it seem like a nervous piece (especially if its not the same at practices). You probably want to find ways to focus your mind to relax, and you may want to try to hold it/forget about it if you're sure you basically went, because there won't be satisfactory pee in there that you hold to go. Unless you over-hydrate for games? hope this helps..
this is a bladder disorder. you should speech to a doctor because it could and probably would lead to problems with your body. my mom is a nurse so i know. i.e. not normal so take aid of it before it gets worse. you can also ask your doctor just about medications and treatments or buy the medicine you see on commercials at local stores or pharmacies. aw its probably purely nerves. are u nervouse before the games?
also its good to strengthen ur kegel musceles- at hand like muscles in ur vag and they minister to control ur pee. just google like how to strengthen your kegel muscles to find little escersises.
or cooperate to ur doctor u might have a bladder control problem theres tons of medicines to assistance with that. but if its only earlier soccer games it might just be nerves. .
if it only happen before the game, afterwards its just nerves.
when i get retiring it feels like i call for to pee really bad aswell, but theres actually nought there. i think its call phantom wee or something lol
but if you do need to go to the toilet, dont verbs about being flushed. if people judge you for that, afterwards they are weird! lol
and if you accidentally piss yourself, just spill your marine bottle on your pants or something;) hahah
Hope dis helps:).
The merely thing I know of that sounds similiar is "Overactive Bladder". Doctors claim it's a problem and medicine help it..not sure. But if you drink tons of water before a winter sport then that could also be what is causing it to surface. If you have to pee at night multiple times within the night and at other strange times then it could be overactive bladder.
I wouldn't suggest not drinking marine because you might become dehydrated during a game and slip away out or get dizzy. I think you're probably only nervous. I used to have to pee 20 billion thousand times beforehand I went onstage during musicals because I was a bundle of nerves.

And nerves aren't bad, they just show you strictness about what your doing..
Sounds like a bladder infection to me. Nothing primary to worry about, so don't nouns. But definitely make a doctor's appointment to bring back the best guidance. It will clear up quickly.
However, if you DON'T seek medical attention, it could progress into something amazingly painful. I've seen women double-over contained by pain from a kidney infection.
Get to the doc on Monday! .
dose it burn at all when you own to pee..? it could have been a sign of a blatter infection. and if your tardy on your mintruall cycle,, theres early signs of being pragnet at an earlie stage eventhought that feel can run through your whole pragentcy that depends on the person...but YEs indeed i would ask a doctor ... nearly it...!! You may just be concentrating on your bladder too much.

I do that sometimes and I find I have to dance a looooot.

OR you might have overactive bladder syndrome, and you should ask your doc for medications for it.

It's pretty adjectives and totally treatable, don't worry :).
well i dont know, do you capture nervous? cant you tell if your fretful? *butterflies*
ohh, if its just when you play soccer, then i wouldnt verbs.
but if it happens all of the time even when your not, u probably hold a bladder problem and should see your doctor.
If it is only happening during games consequently i would say that it is nothing more than nerves. Try to relax and construe about something else and use the bathroom before going on to the pen. I would not be to concerned. there is a lot of possible answers. possibly you have a small bladder, have a bladder infection or your bladder spigot is not closing properly and letting too much urine into your bladder. could also be a kidney thing. go to a naturopath and get hold of it sorted out..
Could be nerves but I would check how much you were drinking before and during games. You can check beside your Dr about over active bladder problems. There is a trial they can do for that and meds to give you. i think you hold a growing bladder problem,meaning you have to see a doc to impart you medicine to shrink your baldder it happens to plentifully of people, thats why they give profusely of comercials about these things because people dont know. upright luck.
I think if its only at the soccer games after you are to nervous relax and try to have fun and don't verbs that happened to me but then i stopped worrying so much and after it stopped. omg i play soccer too! sorry, but yes this happens to me. I go right past games. It is deifnitly nervous pee becuase once you start playing you are fine right? it is better to go formerly then during! you dont have a problem.
Are you drinking more as you play? It could be that. If you are not peeing profoundly when you go off next it might be a habit thing.

I don't see it as commonplace. And I cannot tell what is wrong or how to stop it..
It could be nerves. Do you drink alot the last couple of hours of academy in anticipation of the game? If that's the covering then it's all the extra hydration you achieve on game days. well to be exact a sign of a blatter infection and you have to see your docter about that because it won't be in motion away on its own. do you feel like you step more frequintly? i would see my docter..
u may have an overactive bladder

do u really have to be in motion, or does it just feel close to it?

i had a similar condition and ended up need sugury

i would talk to your doctor.
i think you should ask a doctor and not a bunch of bored associates on the internet. =D
bbbuuttt. you might have a bladder problem. have u see those commercials? lol if it only happens when you are playing soccer than I would influence that it is more physiological than physical but talking to your doc cant hurt. You also might try cutting spinal column on water an hour or so before the spectator sport..
It could be nerves or you might have an overactive bladder if this continues i would suggest consulting a doctor and he will probably be able to contribute you medication to where you need to urinate smaller number well if it only happen at soccer then its probably just nerves BUT if its adjectives the time then theres a problem u could have diabetes or a bladder problem which medium you need to go to you local doctor.
perchance you have some kind of blatter infection

answer mine
Could be a chronic urinary tract infection. "Over live bladder" as the commercial says. Drinking excess amounts of liquids. Lots of things.

Best to see your MD.

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