No term within 2 months..?

I'm in my rash 20s. Ever since I've gotten my 1st period, I've be very irregular. I've kept relating doctors this, but they just hold saying some relatives just own irregular periods. I don't know ONE PERSON who have irregular periods resembling me. I skip months without a extent. They say it's because I'm skinny (but hygienic skinny).

I've never gone past 3 months short a period. The doctors articulate that if I go over 3 months, later I should be concerned. Well, I haven't had my spell since the first week of December... I'm praying I get it this month...

I'm still a virgin. I haven't lost like mad of weight, I haven't changed my diet, I haven't done anything different. So it's not that.

What will the doctors do if I haven't have my period contained by 3 months? Will they make me win my first pap smear? (I refuse to draw from a pap smear. I can't be exposed to HPV if I've never had sex, and it'll hurt close to hell since I'm a virgin.. besides, I'm getting my HPV shot soon)... I'm just asking what they may do..

Answers:    I don't know what they will do. But only an fyi you should have gotten a pap smear years ago whether you've have sex or not. They need to bring in sure you're healthy any way! Don't be afraid of the dull pain because it doesn't hurt that much (whether you're a virgin or not) and if you relax it only take like two minutes. Usually doctors are highly understanding and they will aid you through it. As far as your period I would try going on birth control to label your periods more regular. It might back significantly. You might not be getting it now because you're too stressed out... or for various reasons. Check out the join below.

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