Imediate advice please!! thankfulness?

okay i had a over-hasty on my nipple about 3 weeks ago so i go to the doctors and she gave me a cream blah blah and it go away after about a week. but i woke up this morning and its pay for!!!! im scared what can i do? if i run back to the doctors what what would she right to be heard? please help me!

GIRLS ONLY!! Which ones to use?

Go pay for to the doctor and report that its back. If you can deliberate of any possible reason you might hold this, it would be good to avoid what ever.. or if you withdraw scratching your nipple while sleeping.. clear note of it. also.. put together sure the fabric subsequent to your nipples is well rinsed and no material softener as that might be the cause. (have you changed detergent of textile softener? or is your washer so full it doesn't rinse the clothes well adequate? Sometimes people similar to to bleach white underclothes. If they still smell like bleach, do an extra rinse or run them through the bath cycle without suds to pocket out all the bleach as it could raison d`??tre irritation too. Just some suggestions that have help with things approaching this through the raising of several children. None of us seem to be able to tolerate residual detergent so I hold to knowledgably under saturate my washer to get a honest rinse. Hope this helps.

My mom's have surgery on a 7mm cyst in her breast. what does this close-fisted?

ooo tricky that! but i THINK she would give you the cream that get rid of it in the first place?!?!?

Sorry this is sensitive put somebody through the mill. it is true thal all girl above 16 are not virgin?

You might be allergic to something, the clothes, bra, textile softener, washing detergent. Also, did you finish the cream? The impetuous may not have gone away completely. Just go consult to the doctor, but try to think of adjectives the ways that this rash could own been cause.

How do u know you are preganet?

Well, your doctor will probably give you a stronger topical medication (skin cream) and you will probably hold to use it for a longer amount of time. Make sure you use it EXACTLY
as directed and finish the treatment completely even if it had gone away Not finishing the treatment can net the issue more resistant to medications and harder to treat. I know it hard to finish it adjectives and do it exactly as prescribed but it's well worth it and you hold less of a arbitrary of it returning.

I want my mom to quit smoking, but she insists on doing so, how do i get her to quit?

Did you turn to your gyno, or a dermatologis or regular family doc? It may be as simple as an allergic response to a new textile, detergent, new bra, etc. You can also develop an allergy to previous materials. But, it may not a moment ago be a "rash" at all but a symptom of something much more serious. I would see your gyno. Are your nipples/breasts sore? Are they have little dimples where you previously have none? Do you have a discharge? If yes to any of these....please see her without beating about the bush. Good Luck!

Period problems?

first clam down
she would say anything to u , the doctor won't go-between . they are here to slove ur problem
dont; worry . travel back and see what is goin on near ur rash

Has anyone have mylogram? What was the experience similar to? How long did it take?

It is probably nought to be alarmed about. Just telephone her back and net another appointment. She will be glad you came backbone. A rash right on the nipple can receive nasty. So you should win it checked out again. Didn't she do a follow-up anyway?
Most doctors do.

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